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            to implement the right technology, support and   Benchmark Report: How to Optimize our Recruiting
            generation of content. In icims Recruitment Marketing  Performance).
            Fad or Future article, 75% of job seekers agree that   2. Recognise the “quick fixes” – the majority of
            companies should develop more talent pools to   marketing departments already have an established
            keep job seekers up to date on company information  “route to market” for your product/service offering
            including job alerts and other announcements. Whilst  such as corporate website, social media channels
            59% say they would be interested in joining a talent   and others. “Piggy back” with them in utilising these
            pool to receive updates from an organisation they’d   existing routes to markets by activating candidate
            like to work for.                               focused content within their captive audience.
              The Fortune 500 companies have successfully   3. Upskill your talent acquisition team or recruiters
            implemented the push approach with lessons learnt   to think like New Era recruiters, marketers and
            in building strong talent networks with passive   employer brand ambassadors.
            candidates who can easily be converted into     4. Get your HR team to relook at your outdated
            successfully placed employees. Why? Because     systems, processes and overused document
            they’ve kept prospective candidates engaged,    templates and revise all job descriptions,
                                                            advertisements, your EVP (employer value
            nurtured and informed along the way.            proposition), and research surveys.
                                                            5. Run a competitor analysis and take the time
            Enabling Recruitment Marketing                  to gather insights on whether you are suitably
            through innovative technologies                 positioned and whether you come out tops as an
            Here in South Africa some companies are relying   Employer of Choice (reviews on Glassdoor, social
            on independent, standalone recruitment marketing   media channels), informed as to why you are
            solutions such as sourcing systems (searching within   retaining/losing valued employees.
            their Applicant Tracking Systems), job distribution   6. Look at whether the Metrics/KPI’s you are
            systems (Hootsuite), Pay-per-click systems (LinkedIn   presently utilising are providing you with sufficient
            and to assist them with their recruitment   and detailed insights in converting candidates to
            marketing initiatives. However, as companies start   applicants.
            recognizing the relevance in recruitment marketing,   7. Question how proactive you are in building your
            so will they start reaching out for best-in-class   talent network versus reactively “pulling” potential
            automated systems which will integrate all these   candidates towards you only if and when you
            capabilities, backed with insightful analytics to assist   have job openings. Thereafter, build a recruitment
            them in winning talent.                         marketing strategy to build your Employer Brand
                                                            Presence before going out to market to hire talent!
            Key takeaways                                   The world of talent acquisition is becoming
            1. The Candidate Journey is very topical within the   increasingly dynamic. In order for you to remain
            HR circle and is central to executing a compelling   relevant, you need to become mindful and get the
            recruitment marketing strategy. Take the time to think   basics right in order to embrace the massive shift in
            like a candidate and search for company content   our new digital world of work.
            and any open job opportunities. Doing this self-
            audit will soon provide you with a reality check on
            how you feature as an Employer of Choice. (Take a   Celeste Sirin is the Managing Director of Strategy
            look at page 20 and 21 of Jobvite’s 2018 Recruiting   Recruitment Marketing,

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