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              t is an interesting paradox that South Africa sits   seekers say it’s important to be thoughtful and
              with one of the highest unemployment rates    informed about all aspects of a company prior to
              yet, in the 2017 Deloitte Human Capital Trends   accepting an offer.
              Report, 81% of SA executives confirm that talent   Recruitment marketing is made up of a “push and
           Iacquisition is one of their biggest challenges.   pull” approach with South African organisations
            A case in point is the growing demand for critical   sitting at different levels of maturity versus the rest of
            scarce skills in Information Technology (developers,   the globe. With the rise of the consumer candidate,
            architects, QA testers) as an increasing number   84% of global companies confirm that recruitment
            of companies become more digitised. Just in the   marketing is a worthwhile investment. Additionally,
            retail sector alone, there has been a radical shift   with the increased usage of social media platforms,
            in organisations competing for engineering and IT   professional job boards like LinkedIn and mobile
            talent to meet their online shopping business model   technology, recruiters have the perfect vehicles to
            requirements.                                   position their companies, communicate their EVP
              Companies need to re-evaluate their talent    and engage both active and passive candidates
            acquisition strategies in order to remain relevant in   effectively.
            the eyes of high demand talent. Modern recruitment
            is now all about marketing (94% of job seekers   The “push versus the pull” approach
            confirm that they would more likely apply to a job if
            the employer actively manages their employer brand  of Recruitment Marketing
            online and 76% search for details on what makes the   Recruitment marketing and employer branding can
            company an attractive place to work). Companies   be considered as the “pull” approach to recruitment,
            that aren’t adopting modern recruitment marketing   versus the “push” of direct sourcing through inmails,
            techniques and are still sticking to the old methods   candidate engagement and distribution of nurturing
            of posting and praying are losing out on top talent;   and informative/newsworthy talent mailers.
            impacting on reaching business objectives and
            bottom line.                                    “Pull Approach”
                                                            South African companies need to first step
            What is Recruitment Marketing?                  out of their traditional recruitment methods of
            Recruitment marketing is the strategic and tactical   talent acquisition and shift their efforts towards
            activity utilised by organisations to grab the attention   approaching recruitment like true marketers. Upon
            of work seekers or passive candidates, engaging and   recruiters loading their active vacancies onto
            nurturing them before looking to employ them in a   their career websites, they fail to understand the
            prospective position within a company. This is called   importance of implementing an effective “call to
            the pre-applicant phase where companies take a   action” or recruitment marketing strategy to pull
            proactive approach towards informing, educating and   potential consumer candidates to their career page.
                                                            One can make a direct comparison to a retailer’s
            showcasing what their company would be like as the   intention to launch a new product by placing it on
            best place to work, that is, their Employer Brand.   the shelf yet not activating a promotional marketing
              Whilst recruiting is still all about finding the right   campaign to position, promote and sell such a
            people to place in the right jobs, the approach has   product. Understand that candidates behave like
            become far more calculating irrespective of whether   consumers with Glassdoor confirming that 83%
            you are an Agency Recruiter or Recruiter within an   of employees/job seekers being likely to research
            organisation. 86% of HR Professionals acknowledge   company reviews and ratings if deciding on where to
            that recruitment is becoming more like marketing,   apply for a job. Whilst there are a number of factors
            with companies needing to implement an effective   to consider in recruitment advertising which can
            strategy to identify, attract, engage and nurture the   lead to converting candidates to applicants, here are
            candidate. Glassdoor has confirmed 93% of job   some of the quick wins:

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