Page 3 - CodeWatcher Summer 2017
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                                                         Summer 2017

             5  Code Warrior:                                     16  Raising the Bar
                 Codes in the Headlines                                for Land and Home
                 Serious code issues never make the news … unless      EarthCraft House Virginia is the minimum
                 it’s about a disaster or sensational failure. This    building standard at the Bundoran Farm
                 needs to change if we are to continue to improve      Community, a 2,300-acre, conservation-based
                 energy efficiency and safety using our building       community located just south of Charlottesville, Va.
                 codes as a valuable foundation.
                                                                  22  Is the Bedrock of the ICC
             6  News and Trends                                        Safe from Erosion?
                 Could a new certified ratings program give            Powerful special interests alarmed by building
                 RESNET a run for its money? … two new projects        energy code gains are working hard to reduce the
                 help California reach its zero energy goals … the     essential role of building officials in the code
                 first wood high-rise is planned for Oregon, setting   development process.
                 new building code precedents … IAPMO is the new
                 owner of the National Standard Plumbing Code …    24  HERS Index: The Next Level
                 this 70-second vid gives the lowdown on why           Will the industry need to make a decision to either
                 quality installations matter … RESNET’s shout out     only use the HERS/ERI path as it was intended (to
                 for session ideas for 2018 … Huber’s New ZIP          create an index score) or to significantly enhance
                 System product simplifies energy code compliance
                                                                       the system to be able to adequately answer other
            13  Energy Code Minute:                                    in-depth home performance questions?
                 Metal Building                                   26   Top 9 Reasons to Update
                 Meets an Air Barrier                                  to a Newer Energy Code
                 We focus so much on the Residential Energy Code       Whatever code you are following, here are some
                 that we forget there actually is a Commercial         important reasons to update to the next version.
                 Energy Code, and that they are different when it
                 comes to some assemblies like walls.             30  Code Compliant Products:
                                                                       Meet Fire Codes, Cut Costs

                                                                       There’s now new technology to help builders
                                                                       confidently meet fire code at a lower cost than
                                                                       previously possible. The key is reducing the
                                                                       amount of gypsum needed to achieve code


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