Page 7 - CodeWatcher Summer 2017
P. 7
New Projects Help California
Reach Zero Energy Goals
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory launched two projects aimed at
helping all new residential buildings in California to be zero net energy by 2020.
launched two projects to help California reach
its goal for all new residential buildings to be
T zero net energy (ZNE) by 2020. These projects
have received $2 million in funding from the California
Energy Commission, according to a news release by
Berkeley Lab.
One of these projects will offer cost and performance
modeling of ZNE homes and identify barriers. The goal
of ZNE buildings is to only consume as much energy
as they produce, and this is achieved by both reducing
energy demand and on-site energy generation, often
through the use of solar panels.
By doubling the rate of energy savings through
building efficiency projects, the total amount of building
energy use could be lower in 2030 than in 2014, despite
population and economic growth. If this were achieved, homes become more energy efficient. The project will
A ZIP System Sheathing and Tape Installation in Concord, N.C. there would be a 17 percent reduction in energy usage seek to provide ventilation that ensures quality air in
compared to projected 2030 levels. Although California these airtight homes.
currently only has a few hundred ZNE homes, the Pollutants in kitchens come both from cooking food
number of new housing starts is about 100,000 a year. and burners themselves, particularly gas burners. In the
Researchers will analyze cost-effectiveness by com- past, hazardous levels of pollutants such as nitrogen di-
paring different approaches to lowering energy usage oxide and particulate matter have been found in homes.
in homes, such as all-electric homes versus homes that Range hoods aim to address these pollutants, and the state
heat with gas. In addition, they’ll assess the cost im- currently has a minimum airflow requirement for range
plications of entire neighborhoods and communities hoods. (In photo above, Brett Singer, left, helps lead Berke-
that have no natural gas infrastructure and will look ley Lab’s research on range hoods and indoor air quality).
at the possibility of implementing off-site renewable Now, the lab will examine whether California’s building
energy generation. code needs to be adjusted for health and energy savings.
The second project will work to maintain acceptable According to Brett Singer, one of the researchers on
indoor air quality in ZNE homes that use natural the second project, the projects are expected to go on
gas. Because California will continue to produce gas for about 2 to 2.5 years. However, certain results may
appliances, ventilation will become more important as be available as early as 6 months from now. CW
ZIP SYSTEM prescriptive wall bracing and engineered shear walls.
continued from page 6 “ZIP System R-sheathing and tape eliminates the
scores as low as .16 ACH 50 Pa, which I attribute to how this need for multiple, independently installed products
sheathing panel has been designed with multiple control like housewrap, foam sheathing, and metal bracing,”
layers built into one system. It reduces steps and material adds Sealock. “As building codes continue to change,
costs and ultimately room for error.” we hope that builders will look to the expanded line of
In addition to providing built-in provisions for insulation, R-sheathing products as a hassle-free, all in one solution
water-resistance and protection against air leakage, all that saves time on the job.” Learn more about ZIP System
ZIP System R-sheathing thicknesses are approved for R-sheathing products here. CW Summer 2017 / CodeWatcher 7