Page 59 - Green Builder Homeowner's Handbook 2016
P. 59

Exteriors / Roofing / Structure / Insulation / IAQ / Windows / Heating / Lighting / Appliances / Faucets & Fixtures / Finishes / Cabinets & Tops / Alternative Energy

What makes FINISHES green?

Clean-Air Paints                                                                          Caulking Considerations
Use only no-VOC or extremely                                                              Certain types of caulking can contribute to indoor
low-VOC paints in the home.                                                               air pollution. But in our view, caulking quality matters
Bear in mind, however, that                                                               too. If you use a 100% silicone product, it will offgass
low-VOC products can still                                                                quickly. Once it dries, you’re in the clear.
contain toxins. Sometimes,
VOCs are replaced with
something worse. If you want
truly toxin-free you’ll have to
go with something such as a
milk-based or organic paint.

Floor Finishes                                                                                       Formaldehyde-Free Millwork
Whenever possible, order pre-finished floors, whether hardwood                                       It’s more challenging than you might think to
or bamboo. Finishing them at home without creating a lot of                                          find cabinetry and shelves that are not loaded
air pollution is tough. The Lauzon Pure Genius flooring pictured                                     with chemicals and other ingredients harmful
here uses a titanium finish that reacts with sunlight to break down                                  to human health. Ask for CARB-approved
VOCs and other chemicals.                                                                            plywood or real-wood shelves and sides. If the
                                                                                                     only products available are medium-density
                             Lauzon Pure Genius Flooring                                             fiberboard, make sure you choose a brand
                                                                                                     that has very low formaldehye content. Seal
                                     Forget smartphones, Lauzon’s Pure Genius                        unfinished sides with AFM Safecoat Hard Seal or
                                     flooring is a smart floor, cleaning the air in your             some similar product to contain the offgassing.
                                     home by breaking down airborne toxins, such
                                     as VOCs. The filtering power of Pure Genius          PRO TIP:
                                     flooring is the equivalent of having three mature
                                     trees in your home, purifying the air up to 85       Tile Is Always an Option. Floor tiles, installed carefully
                                     percent and reducing potential carcinogens           produce almost no harmful offgassing. Some brands,
                                     that may lead to allergies and asthma.               such as Crossville’s Virtue line, contain 4 percent
                                                          recycled content and are Green Square certified. The
                                                                                          porcelain tile also can be treated with Hydrotect, a fired-
                                                                                          on coating developed with TOTO Corporation, that’s
                                                                                          comprised of a triple silver-copper-titanium dioxide
                                                                                          mixture. The coating has antimicrobial, dust-repelling,
                                                                                          self-cleaning and even air-purifying effects.
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