Page 17 - Green Builder's Resilient Housing Design Guide 2018
P. 17

Frame failure. If fasteners are
                                                                                                  inadequate, sliding glass doors
                                                                                                  can be blown completely out of
                                                                                                  their jambs.

        CREDIT: FEMA

                    Structural design that did                            LAZINGS IN LARGER WINDOWS have been known to blow
             3                                                            completely out of their frames, even if the glazing is laminated
                    not account for unprotected                           or otherwise protected. This negates the advantages of impact
                                                                          glass or applied impact window films. However, the solution
                    glazing, leading to structural               G may be simple: Increase the number of fasteners holding the
                    failures due to increased                     frame in place. It’s too easy to cut corners and apply fewer fasteners than
                                                                  recommended by the manufacturer.
                    internal pressures.

             4      Corrosion of anchors or connectors that attach the building to the
                    foundations or tie structural elements together resulted in structural
                    collapse in some instances.

                     GAIN, THIS IS a relatively easy issue to address. Assume
                     the worst, when it comes to corrosion. Keep in mind that
                     most concrete at the top of a concrete slab or foundation   Made to last. Stainless concrete anchors like this one from Simpson
                     wall can only dry to about the same level of moisture   Strong-Tie mitigate the problem of corrosion at a home’s base.
            A as the ambient air. So in the Southeast, it will remain                              Danger zone. Rusty anchor
            wetter than out west. Also, if the concrete was installed without                      bolts of mild steel are
            vapor barriers underneath it, its moisture level will follow the ups                   almost inevitable in damp
            and downs of the adjacent soil. Metal fasteners will be constantly                     soils, and frequently fail
            exposed.                                                                               under stress.
              Fortunately, corrosion-resistant versions of foundation anchors are
            now widely available. For example, Simpson sells 25 stainless steel,
            half-inch concrete anchors (5-1/2-inch length) for about $70. That’s
            about twice the cost of galvanized versions, but your clients will
            probably understand why it’s important. Be sure to have an engineer
            recommend the best size/thickness.

                                        Resilient Housing Design Guide GREEN BUILDER MEDIA  17
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