Page 60 - Green Builder July-August 2018 Issue
P. 60
The Latest Rules, Regulations and Codes Impacting Sustainable Construction
Building Blocks
New framing, funding and energy efficiency laws pose challenges
for cities and states nationwide.
Here is a roundup of recent construction-related
legislative actions around the country:
HB 876 has created quite a controversy—one that is not likely to
go away anytime soon. In early May, Governor Deal signed the one-
page bill into law, with an eective date of July 1. At the root of
the argument is the provision, “No county or municipality shall
prohibit the use of wood as a construction material so long as such
use conforms to all applicable state minimum standard codes and
the Georgia State Fire Code.” 1
The cities of Dunwoody and Sandy Springs had passed, in 2014 and
2016 respectively, ordinances that required buildings more than three
stories tall or more than 100,000 square feet in total size to be framed
with non-combustible materials, such as metal and/or concrete.
In the case of Sandy Springs, the ordinance applied to apartment
buildings and even had the support of the mayor, whose family is in
the tree-farming business. Sandy Springs cited three main reasons
for the ordinance: better-looking and longer-lasting buildings, re
safety and the discouragement of inll apartment buildings. The
rst reason is dubious at best, and the third is simply an anti-
growth tactic. The second reason does have merit, but is limited
in scope.
But in the span of three months, HB 876 went from introduced
on the oor of the House to signed into law. The state law repealed
all local ordinances once it went into eect.
The big issue here is local control. Georgia is a home rule state. And CREDIT: RYO CHIJIIWAFLICKR
the irony is that seven Republicans, belonging to a political party that
typically advocates for free trade and smaller government, favored
the former, eschewed the latter and backed HB 876. The other major Lumber is in again. Georgia’s new construction law prohibits the banning
factor was the timber industry, which is very…persuasive in Georgia. of wood as a construction material if it conforms to the state’s fire code.
In fact, State Rep. John Corbett, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, admitted a change to the state’s re code could bring the reversal that some
that “the timber industry was inuential in its creation.” 3 still seek.
The vote wasn’t completely along party lines, however. State Sen. Savannah Fire Chief Charles Middleton indirectly agreed with her.
Jen Jordan, a Democrat who represents region of Georgia largely “My belief is that everything works better with everyone operating
opposed to the legislation, said that with the imminent taris on under one standard, statewide building code,” he says. “I also believe
steel, “a ban on wood raises the overall costs of construction for that as changes become necessary, these changes should be reected
everyone—businesses, buyers, builders, etc.” She also hinted that in the updated code.” 5
58 GREEN BUILDER July/August 2018
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