Page 37 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 37
Women of Distinction
Photos courtesy of Isabella Steel
you never think of. Use beta-readers, your choice by genre. This author and allows our transformation into
since you are just too close to your has managed to write as well in her this imaginary place and time. You
work.” (Beta Readers are test readers fantasy books as in her political thrill- will lose yourself in this alternative
of unreleased work who will provide ers. Check out her books above and reality setting and allows for a total
feedback from the viewpoint of the click on the links to purchase them escape from reality as you experience
average reader. This allows you insight on You will surely find her finely crafted prose. Isabella has
into how your novel will be received yourself not stopping at just one. been dubbed with the title of “mas-
by the reading public.) Isabella’s Political thriller, “The ter world builder” which is easy to
I asked Isabella what was most Silicon Gambit,” has received acco- understand as you devour each genre
important that our readers learn about lades keeping readers on the edge she undertakes. Skadegemutc: Ghost
her as an author and her books. “My of their seats. It is especially fun for Witch is an intriguing book that grabs
books all have lesbian characters, and those of us in San Diego, as we espe- your attention from the first sentence
it is important that readers under- cially enjoy a novel which is set in our and keeps you reading on. The Ghost
stand that lesbians are just like anyone own backyard. Her main character Witch: a demonic being that was born
else. We love, worry, hate just like Amy Radigan is a young San Diego re- of the dead body of a shaman who
others. Sexuality nor gender should be porter who discovers a whistle blower chose black magic. It is an evil that can
a defining factor regarding CHAR- packet hidden amongst the cold letters be killed temporarily and banished
ACTER. All my stories reinforce that files and soon learns of the multi with fire and magic, but it can never
theme. Women in powerful positions level corruption at the highest level of be destroyed. This book kept me on
that happen to be lesbian. In my book government and a massive coverup the edge of my seat. Danger is Light
"The Silicon Gambit" both the protag- driven by a president who is not only Years Closer is a Science fiction work
onist and Vice President are lesbians. incompetent in his position, but slop- with a very timely storyline. Earth
What lies ahead for this talented py in his personal life with multiple is overpopulated, and resources are
writer? “I would like to get picked up incidents of personal indiscretions. quickly dwindling. Lines are drawn
by a traditional publisher. I have two “Revenge is Reason Enough,” another between those who want to efficiently
books I want to complete in 2022. A political thriller deals with a heart use earth’s remaining resources and
horror novel with a working title of breaking story of how the actions of those who want to colonize another
Cardinals and a biography of a Marine corrupt politicians in Washington planet.
who served in Somalia and Rwanda. DC can affect the lives of innocent Whatever choice you make, you
With a wide range of subject titles people. Her character Alex Conway will not be disappointed, and I guar-
and varied genres you will be certain is a victim of this corruption. The antee you will be back for more.
to find a book that fits your current book leads us through his story and
reading interest, however, I must add the great loses he experiences as a
that although I am not usually a fan result of their actions. It also shows Find out more about Isabella Steel and her books:
of fantasy or science fiction I was the depth this victim goes to in order
blown away by her books in these to right a wrong. Her novel entitled
genres. My best advice is to check out “False Dragons” is a beautifully crafted
her current books and do not limit fantasy novel that intrigues the reader