Page 35 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 35
Hwy. 76 and College, I received a call
from my brother Ramiro and he said,
“Maricela my dad died”.
I lost it. I yelled out “NOOO NOOOO
NOOO!!” My father, my best friend,
my confidant was gone!! My thoughts
took me back to when my father would
proudly introduce me to his friends and
say, “She is my Baby”. It was the greatest
feeling and now it is gone!
I had driven by Scripps Hospital in Enci-
nitas millions of times in the past… and
we got lost. Good Samaritans helped us
get back on track to get back to my dad.
The Last I was still holding on to hope, “Maybe”
when I got there, they’d tell me “He’s still
Kiss alive!!”, but that was far from what it was.
I walked in, I could still smell the ER,
I still remember the people in the ER,
I still remember walking in and seeing
By Maricela Contreras Magaña my father laying on the bed. I ran to
him, his face was warm, I looked at his
hard-working hands and realized, he
Friday, January 14 , 2011 was in too much of a rush to receive one. really is gone. I yelled out to him, “WAKE
I dismissed his offer and went off to work. UP!!! WAKE UP, DAD!!! YOU CAN’T
The morning started like any other morn- LEAVE US!!! YOU CAN’T LEAVE
ing, (me running late for work as usual). I told him that he could give me my kiss ME!!!” I immediately remembered that
later after work!
I was on my way to my parents' house to 10:00 AM, As I’m busy doing my work, I never got my kiss that morning. If only
drop off my daughter (Isabella). I arrived I wouldn’t have been in a rush…if only I
at their house at around 8:50 AM. When I get a call from my mom and she said, would have taken the time that morning
“Maricela, we are going to Encinitas to
I pulled up to the driveway, I noticed to get my kiss.
my dad trimming his tree, something he visit your uncle. I’m letting you know For the longest time, I was mad at myself,
because we are taking the baby with us”
would do every other day, but for some but I had to let that anger out. I had to
reason, this particular day I remember I responded, “Okay, okay, bye!”-again in a let go of the “What if” questions and turn
seeing him and thinking to myself “This hurry because I was too busy to talk. them into “Me being Thankful to God for
is how I want to remember my father 11:00 AM, I receive another phone call allowing me to have the most amazing fa-
always- as a hard worker”. I parked and from my mom, this time I notice the ther!” My hero & protector was physically
carried Isabella, who was in her car seat, yelling in the background, and she says, gone, but the love & beautiful memories I
into the house. As I continued to walk “MARICELA!!! YOU’RE DAD FAINT- have of him are forever!!
my dad said to me, “Do you want me to ED!! WE CALLED THE AMBULANCE-
get down and help you carry the baby?” It’s true what they say, “Life is very inter-
HURRY!!” and then I hear a click and esting. In the end, some of your greatest
“No, dad, I'm already running late! I’m silence. pains become your greatest strengths”.
just going to drop her off and leave quick- I immediately grabbed all my belong-
ly” I said in a hurry and went inside to ings and just like I rushed into work- I I now take the time to kiss my kids, my
drop off Isabella. mom, and my husband goodbye, because
rushed out of work that day!! The drive you never know when it will be your last
As I was on my way to get back in my car between Pala Casino and Encinitas felt kiss.
so I could go to work, my dad said to me, like eternity! It was far, and all I could
“Let me get off the ladder so that I can think about was my dad, my dear mom, R.I.P. Daddy a.k.a. Baltazar Contreras
give you your kiss”. and my daughter!! 05/25/1945- 01/14/2011
My dad would always give me a kiss I met my niece Jackie in Bonsall. As I Forever your Baby…
before I left for work, but this day I felt I was passing Walmart in Oceanside off Maricela Contreras Magaña