Page 58 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 58

What I really want is....

                                       To decorate my home and

                               have it be a reflection of who I am...

                                                     By Debbie Storms

                s it color or creature comforts?   the items you’ve enjoyed and now need   price retail stores are a way to shop if
                Our home is our sanctuary and   a new home, to a consignment store or   you need to see and feel what you are
            Ineeds to be just that even when   you can have your own garage sale. It is   buying. Shopping online offers one stop
            we are on a budget. Creating  beautiful   amazing what a savvy shopper one can   shopping for all your furnishing needs.
            rooms can be achieved without paying   become.                      There is an extensive list of stores avail-
            a fortune.                           Repurposing is a fun way to create   able online that offer shopper friendly
               Some of my favorite and unique   functional furniture. Pre-loved furni-  return policies and free shipping.
            accent pieces were found while shop-  ture decorated with your individualized   Knowing what time of year certain
            ping my favorite way- by going on   touch will beautify your home. Give   home furnishing are on sale will keep
            a treasure hunt. There are so many   yourself a sensational one-of-a-kind   your home fresh and the price down.
            fantastic items out there available at a   piece of furniture by adding a hint of   Going bold on a few items whether
            fraction of retail when you head out to   your artistic flair. This will pop any   you do it with pillows or an accent wall
            an estate sale, garage sale, consignment,   room. Beautiful pieces can be repur-  will pop your room. Choosing one of
            or thrift store. Facebook marketplace is   posed with a little chalk paint and   your favorite colors will create a special
            a fun way to sit back and treasure hunt.   stenciling in a contrasting color. That   environment you can call your own.
            You do not know what you will find but   is one of the millions of creations that   Redecorating with pieces you already
            you do know there is a treasure waiting   come from a can of paint, a brush, and   have will make a budget friendly change
            for you. I have fabulous pieces from   a little time on YouTube. The biggest   to your living space. Shopping in your
            different corners of the world and some   cost will be your time, and it will bring   own home by moving pieces around a
            that I saw in a local retail store for three   you years of pleasure knowing it’s your   room or to a different room within your
            times the price that I paid. Venturing   own creation.              home will update your space and save
            out on a treasure hunt you may find   Buying at a retail store may be   you money.
            pieces that create a desired change or   your preference or you may mix   Discover your hidden talents and
            recreate an entire room. To offset your   your shopping adventures. Sales and   create affordable new options to call
            budget, you have the option of bringing   coupons keep the budget in check. Off   your own.

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