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Fabulous Finds Online
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especially when it comes to time spent with planes with a toddler in tow. barrier that sits on top of skin, allowing
their newborn. Founders Jane and Ivan The other item came just in time for one of thighs that rub to glide smoothly against
believe that there is nothing better than our staff to welcome their new baby girl. The each other. It is comprised of Aloe, grapeseed
seeing the world through their child’s eyes. Baby Handprint and Footprint Keepsake Kit, oil and antioxidant rich vitamin E to provide
They founded KeaBabies after the birth of was not only a great memory for mom and extra hydration for happy, healthy skin and
their first son in 2016. Some of the greatest dad to have for years to come, but created a much more pleasant hot summer days.
inventions are built out of necessity. When wonderful bonding moment creating this Another product we loved was Bust Dust.
their first son was just 5 months old Jane keepsake together with their beautiful baby If you think you have to live with sweat stains
found out she was expecting again. She soon girl. on your top? Think again! their talc-free
found that taking care of an infant was These two items are but a small sampling powder absorbs sweat in an instant, helping
wearing on her as her pregnancy progressed. of the treasures you can find on their site. to keep your bra & top dry. The non-aerosol
At that same point her son was at his most Not only are they on spot, but every item pump deposits powder directly where you
needy, wanting to be carried all the time. Just they offer is of the highest quality. Go online want it for a no-mess application. Made with
as she entered her third trimester her now and start making memories with your skin soothing aloe & chamomile. Perhaps
husband Ivan got into a serious bicycle little ones. their most unique product is called Le Tush
accident that injured his spinal cord. Go to Butt Mask. This helps fight everything from
Ivan got into a very bad bicycle accident butt’ne to dry, itchy skin to those mysterious
which injured his spinal cord. Thanks to a 18. Megababe® tiny bumps that pop up from time to time.
strong support network of family and friends, There are facts of life that many of us are Megababe believes that our butts need
Ivan came through his surgery and was embarrassed to talk about, but this did not facials too! Slather on this facial-grade mask
getting better every day, just in time for his stop one determined woman to not only talk for a few minutes before hopping in the
second son’s arrival. about them, but to do something about shower & get ready to glow. A blend of hard-
It was through this experience that Jane them. Founder of Megababe Katie was very working acids — glycolic, malic & azelaic —
and Ivan came to understand the importance straightforward with her issues, because she combine with earth-friendly exfoliating
of a strong support group. As such, they knew she was not alone. “My thighs rub beads to effectively resurface your bottom.
decided to build a brand community where together. My boobs sweat. And my B.O. is the Willow bark extract helps clarify while
all mothers and fathers can come together to worst! I couldn’t find products I loved to squalane & kelp extract lock in moisture. It
support one another through the ups and address issues like these, so I started leaves your tush ready for prime time: soft,
downs of parenthood journey.KeaBabies was Megababe! We make clean, cute body care smooth, & radiant! You no longer need to be
born out of their experiences. Today they products that really work to keep you comfy.” embarrassed by these problems.
have a full line of amazing baby products to inspire you to live memorably. They certainly Go to
help make the process easier for new parents do just that. Katie knew that it was necessary and order your own today.
and allow them to worry less and enjoy more. to join together to tackle ‘taboo” body issues,
We had the opportunity to try out their making women of any size more comfortable
wonderful diaper backpack, which I used and confident.
when traveling cross-country to visit my She sent us a wide array of products and
granddaughter and bring her back to San we are not too embarrassed to admit that
Diego. It made the trip so much easier, they do in fact work, and do make us more
having everything organized and within easy comfortable. We tried her Thigh Rescue, a
reach. I found it so much easier than a non-toxic anti-friction stick that protects
traditional baby bag, particularly while against chafe. The balm-like formula creates a