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Fabulous Finds Online

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        parents’ lives, our grandparents and in some         Unbeknown to most, Coalatree started   organizations to maintain the hiking and
        cases, even our great grandparents.  The   out as a self-sustaining organic farm in   biking trails that they frequent.
        company was started in 1916 and has been   Colorado. The farm focused around a "reap   If you are looking for some outstanding
        creating heirlooms since then.      what you sow," mentality and integrated   products and a upstanding company from
          In addition to their beautiful dolls they   sustainable practices with quality products. It   which to purchase them go to https://
        also make vintage baby clothes Their vintage   was out of this mission that in 2010 they
        baby clothes feature the classy, antique look   created the perfect clothing to go along with
        you love, with lots of lace trim, smocking,   their lifestyle.           12. nodpod®
        handmade pintucks, and hand embroidery.    We had the pleasure of trying their
        These baby layettes have been, and continue   Trailhead Adventure Shorts and their Kachula
        to be, passed down for generations to come.   Adventure Blanket.             Sleep is such an important factor in our
        Feltman Brothers keeps high value in the   One of our editors decided to give the   health.  So when we heard about the
        attention to fine  details that makes their   shorts a go and said she had never had a   nodpod we were excited to give it a try.  We
        pieces true, one of a kind finds. Classic baby   more comfortable pair of shorts. They were   all have times when sleep eludes us, and in
        names have come back into style, so it is not   lightweight, breathed and moved easily with   the event that this happens why not be
        surprising that the same is true of classic   every movement she made.  “a perfect pair of  prepared.  Very simply, when gentle pressure
        dolls and baby clothes.  Check out their   shorts for a weekend camping trip or to run   is applied to the body it has a profound
        website at   around and do errands in town on the   calming effect, like a hug. This science is
        and travel back in time with a simple click of   weekend.”  I guess Coalatree achieved their   known as Deep Touch Pressure, and it’s
        your mouse.                         goal. Not only did these shorts pass our test,   something from which we can all benefit.The
                                            they have other outstanding characteristics   nodpod consists of four weighted pods with
       11. Coalatree®                       that make them a must have purchase.    scent-free, machine washable microbeads.
                                            These shorts are tear resistant, made from   The scallop-edge contours to your face for
          We all love the outdoors and a lot of us are   durable ripstop nylon that stops tears before   total-light blocking comfort.
       making use of the time away from the office   they start.  The unique fabric is antimicrobial
       for some spur-of-the-moment camping trips.    which inhibits the growth of bacteria and   There is no elastic or velcro so the nodpod
       One of our favorite companies, Coalatree,    easy to pack for your trip as they can be   lies freely over your eyes or you can secure it
       designs eco-minded gear and apparel for the   stuffed into a small bag and come out   with their pull-through slit. With hollow
       adventurer in everyone, from athletes and   looking great and ready to wear.  ends, it allows for head resting comfort in
       photographers to your average city folks and   The Kachula Adventure Blanket is an item   any sleeping position.
       weekend warriors.                    ideal for camping, but just as ideal for         One element that we liked best is that
            Their mission is to introduce elements of   keeping in the trunk of your car for a trip to   one side is made of a cooling jersey cotton
       the outdoor life together with the city life.    the beach.  The blanket comes with a   and the other side of a warm microfiber.
       Their products are truly versatile enough for   removable hood so you can convert it to an   I sometimes find it difficult to sleep so when I
       the weekend warrior or the  city lover. Their   emergency poncho. The material is coated to   received this sample I was hoping for a
       mission is to allow you to be ready for just   keep it dry. Water and stains will bead right   solution. and I was pleased to find one..  The
       about anything.                      off the surface.                    nodpod not only blocked out light but the
            To Coalatree, a MTN2CTY lifestyle is one of   We love the products created by    deep touch pressured seemed to somehow
       adventure, freedom, and ease. Our    Coalatree, but there is one other thing that   calm me and lull me to sleep.
       customers are out on the town on a Friday   makes us huge fans of Coalatree and that is   If you want to guarantee a restful night’s
       night with friends, then up for dawn for an   how much they giveback. Every year they   sleep go online to
       impromptu hike in the woods.         use the excess material to construct  blankets   and order yours today.
                                            for the homeless. They also partner with local

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