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       I have to say that others in our office gave it a   be seen in two fundamental design principles:   arms in a snug swaddle around two to three
       try and were surprised that I was not   the barefoot upper, a soft, non-binding design   months, or when baby shows signs of starting
       exaggerating the quick relief achieved with the   that conforms to the top of the foot to allow   to roll over. However, many babies are not
       use of ANSHI.  The list of symptoms that this   circulation and all-day comfort, and the   ready and are unable to sleep well in a loose
       product can help is astounding. It helps   patented, metal-free twin arch-support soles   wearable blanket at this stage. If parents
       eliminate eczema, rejuvenates facial skin,   made from molded polyurethane, which   continue to swaddle their baby with arms
       relieves joint and muscle pain, stops swelling,   protect the foot arch and allow the distribution   restrained at this stage, the risk of suffocation
       heals bites and other irritation,  improves foot   of body weight through the entire plantar   increases if baby was to roll over. To address
       circulation, soothes bumps from shaving, heals   surface. We all know how much we love our   this issue, Lynette created The Transitional
       cracked feet and even relieves cramps. Even   shoes, but often we love how they look, but not   Swaddle Sack with Arms up and Mitten Cuffs. It
       more amazing is that they are transparent   how they feel.  This makes Arcopedico a step   is a very important innovation in Safe
       about what is inside their product.  It includes   above the others, becabecause not only do   Sleepwear - especially for babies who can roll
       coconut oil, castor oil, pink Himalayan salt,   they look great, but they feel great as well. Go   over.
       vitamin E oil, beeswax, and 100% pure turmeric   to  and order
       oil.  The application is made easier due to the   your today.                Lynette, has made it her life mission, and
       presence of the Himalayan salt as the directions                          the mission of Swaddle Designs, to help new
       suggest rubbing ANSHI in until the salt   4.Swaddle Designs®              parents prevent sleep deprivation and
       disappears, allowing a level of confidence   Swaddling a newborn is an ancient   exhaustion by providing educational content
       knowing it has been properly applied.  technique for wrapping a newborn in a thin   based on the AAP safe sleep recommendations
       Thank you to Founder and CEO Janelle and   blanket or cloth making your baby bear a   and to provide safer sleepwear for babies.  Visit
       her daughter Raegan for the creation of this   strong resemblance to a burrito.  What is the   the Swaddle Design site to not only order one
       product.  It is safe for anyone at any age. For   purpose of swaddling? It helps your baby feel   of their beautiful Swaddle Sacks, but also to
       more information, visit:             secure as he or she adjusts to life outside the   learn more tips so you and your baby can get a                   womb.  It also prevents your baby from   better night’s sleep.
                                            flailing her arms or legs, which can trigger the
        3.  Arcopedico®                     baby's startle reflex.  It keeps babies cozy and   Go to and
                                            warm until their internal thermostat kicks in   order yours today.
        If you are looking for the most comfortable   and often is responsible for giving your
        shoe you will ever wear, look no further than   newborn a better night’s sleep.   5.  Belcorva®
        Arcopedico.  We had the pleasure of trying   The founder of Swaddle Designs, Lynette,
        out their amazing silver and black sandal.    an experienced nurse, created an easier way   Due to the fact that these days we are
        One of the things we loved about them was   to swaddle your baby. Rather than   spending more time at home, our office wear
        how great they looked with both trousers   attempting to do so with a plain blanket   has changed to comfort wear.
        and dresses. The absolute best part of these   which can be a challenge for a new parent.    Belcorva is the perfect fit for our needs.  Not
        sandals was the way they felt.  I could be on   Her Swaddle Sack is designed for   only is it some of the most comfortable pants
        my feet all day long and my feet felt as good   convenience, comfort, and safety for your   and capris we have ever tried, but there was
        as when I first slipped them on.     baby.                               some serious thought put into the design of
                                               The American Academy of Pediatrics   their products.  Many companies forgo the
              The hallmark of all Arcopedico shoes can                           addition of pockets in their design, but
                                            recommends parents stop restraining baby’s

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