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Fabulous Finds Online

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        1. Jet Candy™
                                               Each   piece   in   their   collectible,   back in the pouch.
          Jet Set Candy combines two of my  destination-specific  range  is  thoughtfully   To view their full line, go to https://
        favorite things, beautiful jewelry and   designed  and  meticulously  crafted  from
        Travel.  How could they possibly    quality  sterling  silver,  14k  vermeil,  or  solid
        accomplish this feat.  By helping to turn   gold.
        our travel memories into something that   Jet  Set  Candy  captures  the  spirit  of   2.  ANSHI®
        we will possess for a lifetime.  Yes, there   favorite  destinations  and  far-flung  places.
        are the pictures that we take, but Jet Set   Check  back  often  because  they  are   With all the companies and products
        Candy takes it a step beyond.  They allow   constantly adding new pieces.  that come across my desk every day, ANSHI
                                               The  inspiration  for  this  company  is
        you to wear your memories for all to see.    Founder  and  designer  Nicole  Parker  King.    is one of the most unique and honest ones
              Their jewelry is versatile and so creative.    Throughout her travels to over six continents   I have had the pleasure of testing. ANSHI
        There are gold and silver replicas of Passport   and  more  than  50  countries,  Nicole  Parker   believes that you should not only be
        Stamps and Luggage Tags from all over the   King was always on the quest for the perfect   concerned with what you eat, but also with
        world.  There are symbols that clearly   souvenir.  The  seed  for  Jet  Set  Candy  was   what you put on your skin.  ANSHI means
        represent special locations to all of us. A   planted  while  on  a  trip  to  Sri  Lanka  where,   God’s gift and comes from the ancient
        vespa scooter with the word Italia on it, the   after only finding generic t-shirts with sunset   Sanskrit language. Their products are
        Chrysler Building in NY, a NY metro card   designs  and  home  goods  that  were  more   multipurpose, and a versatile line of
        charm, an Eiffel Tower charm, a NY Taxi   authentic  but  not  easily  packable,  Parker   personalized natural medicine and skin
        charm and even Russian Matryoshka Nesting   King set out to reinvent travel souvenirs with   care.
        Doll. Now aren’t these better reminders to   a  line  of  collectible  and  stylish,  wearable   What is equally amazing is that the
        your world travels than a t-shirt or   keepsakes for travel lovers.       creation of this incredible product occurred
        refrigerator magnet.                   Nicole  spent  three  years  living  in  India   at the Hospital bedside of their founder
              At Jet Set candy, travel is their world.    with  her  husband,  an  Australian  Diplomat   and CEO's daughter, Raegan.  ANSHI
        Launched in October 2014, with passion and   who currently works at the UN. She took this   comprises only six all natural ingredients.
        a very cool idea, they developed the first   time to refine her concept for Jet Set Candy.    These therapeutic grade ingredients work
        premium line of travel souvenirs so they   As soon as she returned to New York Nicole   in minutes to relieve a wide range of
        could collect their global adventures, and   launched Jet Set Candy.      symptoms including headaches, skin
        allow their customers to do the same. Their   Parker  King  is  a  sixth  generation  New   irritations, swelling, and pain.
        jewelry is stylish, playful, and just a little   Yorker  and  graduate  of  the  Rhode  Island   When you apply ANSHI it immediately
        cheeky. It's modern yet nostalgic and always   School of Design and former creative director   gets to work.  The transdermal application
        classic.                            at L’Oreal.                           is delivered into the bloodstream while
           We absolutely fell in love with this   Not  only  are  the  pieces  beautiful,  but   reducing side effects since it is not taken
        company and their products.  We personally   they  take  care  and  expertise  in  the   orally.
        got a look at the most adorable Italian Vespa   presentation.    Their  packaging  reveals   For years I have suffered with a
        with little wheels that actually spin.    hidden  travel  quotes,  map  &  coordinate   hereditary skin disorder which I am told has
           Quite honestly, we only wish we could   details,  and  always  pops  with  color.      All   no known cure. What ANSHI did was to
        have one of each.  When you see the quality,   jewelry  is  wrapped  in  a  tarnish-resistant   minimize the redness and roughness of the
        craftsmanship and beauty of their designs,   pouch  and  protective  box.  Between  usage,   skin in the affected areas.  I also noted that
        I know you will feel the same way.   they recommend that you place your jewelry   it helped with joint pain as well.

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