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Women of Distinction

        environments. It was a constant learning ex-  be if I was afraid to reach out, let the fear   the best practitioner for their needs, and
        perience, which is everything I crave in life.   of rejection stop me, and later find out that   then schedule an appointment, all from the
        I will always remain a student, and I think   someone could have used my help (or my   comfort of their own homes. Doctor Mul-
        everyone should.” Kiko was responsible for   product)? Far too often salespeople are   timedia has revolutionized and simplified
        performing market research, brand devel-  written off because of their title. So many   the process for physicians and the patients.
        opment, composing contracts and pitch   connections, opportunities, and relation-  Although there are other digital profes-
        decks, website creation, and talent scouting.   ships are lost because of poor judgement.”   sionals in this arena, nobody does it quite
        Although she knew that she couldn’t be di-  Sales isn’t all Kiko does, she also   like Doctor Multimedia. One of the features
        rectly in the medical field she wanted to find  watches over the daily operations of Doctor   that makes them unique is their ability to
        a way to help people live a better quality of   Multimedia and is always on the lookout   create fully customized websites as opposed
        life. Kiko started her research while still in   for ways to improve the company. She ad-  to templates. They work with each practice
        college and, taking everything she learned,   mits, “I’m a T crosser and an I dotter, and I   to understand their needs and to work in
        dove into it wholeheartedly upon gradu-  monitor internal operations always looking   concert with those needs.
        ation. “My startup company was one that   for ways to streamline our processes.”  “This is something that we really pride
        made cannabis infused topicals, so I could   Kiko also works closely with Ace   ourselves on, building a website that truly
        help heal the world through plant medi-  Rogers, Founder and CEO of Doctor   embodies the practice, its purpose, and its
        cine.” Through talking with Kiko, it is very   Multimedia. Ace is passionate about this   vision. Aesthetically, we want everybody’s
        apparent that she embraces her challenges.   company and always on the lookout for   website to look different, but also it just
        There came a point when she was unable   team members who share the same pas-  makes no sense to do the same thing for ev-
        to financially support her startup, to which   sion. “Ace settles for nothing less than 100%  ery practice that we service. If we did that,
        she commented, “Straight roads never made   motivation, synergy, and integrity — that   then they would look like their neighbor
        good drivers! You have to be stubborn about  is a huge reason why I gravitated to Doctor   down the road. It would be a flip of the coin
        your goals, and flexible with your methods.”   Multimedia in the beginning. One way Ace   as to which doctor you would choose, and
        When funding ran short, she tested the wa-  describes how he selects team members is   it would negatively affect the client’s SEO.
        ters in the real estate industry by providing   that, ‘if you put good fruit next to bad fruit,   We work with our clients to assure that we
        digital marketing services to help real estate   the good fruits rot.’ He chooses the absolute   are providing a website that lets the public
        agents market themselves, but only part of   best fruit for the team. So I help him pro-  know what they specialize in, by making
        her passions justified that profession. “That’s   mote a culture of ripe fruit.”  that the main focus of their website. We will
        when I discovered Doctor Multimedia. It   One other factor that I was thrilled to   ask which services are the most lucrative to
        was a perfect blend of my passions: helping   hear about her firm is its positive attitude   your practice, and for which service do you
        people live a better quality of life through   toward its female employees. “I also have to   want to be recognized.”
        technology.”                        say that I’ve never seen a company so em-  One of the other factors that make
           As with everything Kiko attempts,   powering of women. You see women being   Doctor Multimedia the selected firm to
        she has to be the best at what she is doing   promoted to leadership positions and being   go to is that they are the first and only
        and before very long she became part of   judged purely on their performance. And   provider in their industry that offers a 24/7
        the executive team at Doctor Multimedia.   unfortunately, this is unique in the world of   human support team three hundred and
        “When you are in an executive position, it   business.”                  sixty-five days a year. “We are the only
        allows you to implement change and share   So, what exactly is it that Doctor Mul-  ones that would answer your phone call in
        fresh ideas. My position brings me into a   timedia does? They offer digital marketing   the middle of the night on Christmas Day.
        working environment with some of the   services to medical providers and help   We understand that your workday doesn’t
        smartest and most caring physicians and   medical providers get found online so they   stop when your practice is closed, and so
        leaders in the world.”              can share their practices and their value   we work around the clock to fit our clients’
           Kiko’s position as COO includes three   with those in need of their services.  busy schedules.”
        very distinct and integral elements. These   “We cater to dentists, optometrists,   Another benefit of Doctor Multimedia
        are Sales, Organization/Operations, and   podiatrists, dermatologists, chiropractors,   is their business model which is predi-
        Culture. “If you asked me right after I   veterinarians, and all areas within the med-  cated upon the client’s success. Rather
        graduated college if I would ever consider   ical fields. The reality is that this brilliant   than the common leasing program, they
        a sales job, I would have told you ‘never.’   segment of our population is phenomenal   give their clients full ownership of their
        But something switched for me, where I   at what they do, but few medical profes-  website. “We’re a company that truly puts
        had the epiphany that: It’s way too often   sionals have any training or background in   our money where our mouth is. We believe
        the case, even so in myself at the time, that   the digital marketing space.”  that business owners deserve to own every
        sales implies a negative situation where   This is where Doctor Multimedia   extension of their practice, including the
        a salesperson is having a pushy one-way   comes into play. They solve a very import-  digital extension. I’m also very proud to be
        conversation with a customer, and only has   ant problem for members of the medical   a part of a company that earns its clients’
        the intention of making money. But sales   field. In today’s world most patients like the   business on a month-to-month basis. We
        to me is an opportunity to share something   convenience of being able to search for a   don’t believe in binding people to con-
        great with someone. How selfish would it   doctor, learn of their qualifications to find   tracts.”

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