Page 21 - Woman 061220_interactive
P. 21
Women of Distinction
we can start a family. This was something I at an orphanage or to build one, so this
had always wanted, but at this point I was fulfilled my need to give back. I got heavily
a workaholic and I was on the road and involved with the first lady’s organization
abroad a lot, traveling for work. I finally de- working on various platforms and different
cided to close my doors and have children. missions.”
It was not easy; I went cold turkey from one They remained in Gabon for over three
life to another. I also knew that I didn’t want years and continued to live abroad for over
six years, having moved to the Middle East
anyone else raising my kids except me, no
Photo Courtesy of Manisha Phadnis all her time and energy raising them. “This just goes on and on. She finally found the
when they left Africa. The list of humani-
nannies or babysitters I wanted do it all
tarian missions that Manisha took part in
Manisha had three children and spent
fulfillment for which she was searching.
Manisha and her husband had decided
is where this second part of my life really
to move back to San Diego in time for their
kicked in. I felt like being a designer was
great, I was directing and creating multi-
first child to start high school. We needed
stability and a place for them to have access
tudes of products and meeting the needs
to the resources they would need. Her hus-
of the industry, but what was I doing for the
band had to remain abroad for a while so
world? So, after the third child was born, my
while, but he is now back in San Diego.
to San Diego in 2007, and that is when I had
Manisha husband and I left New York City. We moved Manisha was raising them on her own for a
a rude awakening. And what that meant
Manisha accomplished what she
wanted to for herself and her family. She
for me was, ‘Oh my gosh, somebody has
pulled me out of New York City, a place that
wanted her children raised to understand
Phadnis I've been my entire life,’ but yet, I had told that what they were doing was intentional;
myself that I would raise our three kids. Let
she wanted them to have world knowledge
and to understand what humanitarian
me just give myself time to be here in San
Diego, outside of New York, and raise them. efforts looked like, and also to make them
Executive Director I quickly realized that I wanted the people, realize that you can go to a place where,
I wanted the city, I want the hustle and the
“you can have nothing, and you can make it
of The Entrepreneur bustle. When my third child was about eight into something ”.
weeks, I told my husband, you know what?
This experience seems to have paid off
Academy (TEA) This whole San Diego thing is not for me.” for her family. Her three children, her oldest
Their next step was an extreme one.
son Rajan, who is a graduating senior will
When their youngest was out of diapers be attending University in aeronautical en-
they picked up their three kids and made gineering, her daughter Anjali, is interested
In many organizations, if not for the a pretty bold decision to move to a third in bio medical /genetics and science, and
volunteer hours that members donate, world country. “So, we moved to Africa to youngest son Rohan, is definitely filled with
there would be little that would be ac- Gabon, a French country where no one the entrepreneurial spirit and is currently
complished. Manisha Phadnis is a shining spoke English. There was also no inter- a boy scout, but of course is working to
example of time and dedication. Manisha net, no electricity, and no running water. become an Eagle Scout. They all seem
grew up in Brooklyn and spent most of her My husband got a job with an American well adjusted and motivated to accom-
life in Manhattan. Her parents hoped she company that was hired by the president plish greatness. They were exposed to all
would follow their dream for her to become of Gabon it was fruitful for him in his the good that their parents did while in
a doctor. However, Manisha had her own future profession, and it was fruitful for me Africa and as a result they are all extremely
plans. She would end up becoming very because number one, I can raise the kids understanding of the plight of others and
successful in the fashion and home design in a place that I felt was more global and grateful for all they have.
industry. “I spent about 15 years of my life, expose them to the diversity that could not With these experiences in their lives,
as a fashion designer/home furnishing be found in San Diego. I found out that the Manisha felt that she had to share her
designer with some pretty prominent gurus first lady was building a new International humanitarian efforts locally in San Diego.
that I looked up to as my mentors, Versace, school, so I was able to help form and shape When she found out about TiE and their
Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, etc. This was this new organization from the ground up.” youth organization TYE, she knew she
what I refer to as the professional part of Manisha had always had a need to help needed to be a part of this. Her youngest,
my career that I did for 15 plus years.” those in impoverished nations. Being of Rohan, although still in middle school, was
Although Manisha was doing what she Indian descent, she had traveled to India thrilled to hear about the competition and
could have only dreamed of in school, there with her mom most summers and had wit- was extremely excited to get involved. “To-
came a point in her life where she decided nessed this poverty even as a young child. day he eats, sleeps, and thinks of nothing
it was time for a change. “I was almost 35, Her mom was a humanitarian at heart, and but TYE. It has changed him, and his life and
when my husband and I decided that we Manisha had learned a lot from her. “When I am amazed at what he has accomplished
would like to settle down at some point so I moved to Gabon, I wanted to either work while in this program.”