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Letter From the Editor Letters to the Editor
I love it when I get to read stories
about great nonprofits. Living Heart
We have been through a lot in the last Peru was one that I wasn’t familiar
14 years, but no one could have anticipated with, but I love what Beatrice has
that we would be facing a deadly virus and a done. Keep up the good work.
nationwide shut down. Life as we know it has Lydia from Oceanside
changed significantly over the last few months. I wanted to thank you for sharing
We have always been amazed at the Dr. Marie Brown-Mercadel’s story. I
Photo by Lisa K. Miller our country. Who would have thought that it never told anyone. Reading her story
strength and ability to adapt that we have in
was a victim of sexual abuse but had
gave me courage, and I told my hus-
would become as normal to wear masks and
band about it after I read about her. It
carry sanitizer as it previously was to carry a
is like an enormous weight has been
purse? All we hear on TV is doom and gloom
and it is hard to keep a positive outlook, but
way to go but thank you for giving
we are Americans and we always find a way lifted off of me. I know I have a long
me the start.
to persevere. Linda from San Diego
Several elements of our lives have changed and so we have had to find
Your cover girls are amazing! I
alternative ways to roll with the punches. For many, online shopping has love seeing the wonderful things
replaced those trips to the mall and food delivery has been our saving grace. that women can accomplish. These
In this issue we are sharing with you some great businesses who will happily two doctors are so smart, I hope
ship some of your favorite items to your front door. to attend medical school when I
This issue is also full of features on women who have put their best foot get older and hope that I can be as
accomplished as they are.
forward to serve those in need. It always amazes me what we are all capable Lulu from Ocean Beach
of when we simply take control.
Our cover girl Kiko Salazar is an outstanding example of a woman who I am currently attending law
set her mind on accomplishing her goals and was able to meet and surpass school and have been trying to
these aspirations. decide in what area of law I will
Most important of all, I would like to give thanks to all of those who have specialize. I love animals but had not
known that there were attorneys
been on the front lines of this pandemic. The doctors, nurses, health care who focused on this area of law. I am
workers, grocery workers, delivery service employees and many more whom definitely looking into it after reading
I have not listed. Thank you from all of us for putting yourself at risk to keep the article on Suzana Gartner. Thanks
us all safe. for the insight.
Undoubtedly, things will soon be getting back to normal and we will all Maria from San Diego
have become just a little more aware of taking precautions and being safe not I love your military section and
only during a pandemic, but in our everyday lives. I especially like the poem. I served
Hang in there ladies, sit back and read this issue. You will definitely be in Iraq and though I am proud of
inspired to move forward to achieve your goals and maybe even gain some my time in the military; it is hard for
new ones along the way. me to know what to say when I am
approached. I now know.
Jill from Escondido
Stay safe and happy! I always learn something new
Warm Regards, when I read San Diego Woman. I
Judy thought there was something wrong
with me since it seems I feel pain
worse than anyone around me. I
read Ashley Benton’s story and never
knew that there are tests to show
how different people feel pain. I am
planning to ask my doctor to run the
tests on me so I can finally under-
stand what is going on.
Allison from Del Mar