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Women of Distinction
With many different clients and a job After a few decades of working for bleshoot any problem areas her clients are
that changes every day, Shelly is never others in property management, Shelly having is invaluable. Then she suggests solu-
bored. “There are two elements of my job took the plunge and started her own firm, tions to their problems by providing them
that I truly love. Number one, every tenant Red Bike Properties, in May of 2014. I with adjustments that will make things run
asked Shelly how her life has changed since smoother and more productively.
going out on her own? “It is completely I asked Shelly what advice she would
different when you own the company, give to individuals looking to go into
because you’re not within the confines of property management. “That’s an interest-
a corporate structure. I get to expand my ing question because when I started, there
skill set because I get to do things my way. weren’t any colleges that offered programs
My firm is a boutique firm, so I don’t have or degrees in property management and
to manage one particular type of client. I now there are, so you can either go the
manage corporate clients and mom and collegiate route or start somewhere and
pop building owners. work your way up. I think the mentoring
One question which is often asked of component is essential to the success you
Shelly is how did she come up with the achieve. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it
name Red Bike Properties? “I’ll tell you wasn’t for the mentors that I had along the
how I came up with it, and then the unin- way and the opportunities that I was given.”
tended positive consequences of my choice. Shelly feels so strongly about mento-
I was sitting around just trying to think of ring that she has mentored many individ-
what my company name should be, and I uals when they decide to pursue property
have always had a picture on my desk of management. Shelly belongs to several
me on my first bike with training wheels, real estate organizations, including the
a gift from my parents. It was my very first Institute of Real Estate Management, San
little bike with training wheels, it was red, Diego Chapter. In 2017 Shelly served as the
which most bikes were when I was growing Chapter President. Shelly also served on the
up. I thought, Oh, Red Bike Properties, executive council from 2009-2016. Prior
and thought that sounded good, so I just to this association, she belonged to the
went with it. Well, the unintended positive Building Owners and Managers Associa-
consequences as I sat and thought about it tion, San Diego Chapter and was on their
was number one, starting my own business board for four years. Shelly credits these
after so many years working for corporate associations for helping to teach her some
America kind of made me feel like I felt the critical aspects of her job, by immersing
first day I got on that bike and rode to the herself into the industry through these
either offers a different service or creates a stop sign and back alone. I felt a sense of groups and establishing her own network
different widget. Someone could be print- independence, the wind in my hair, and a of professionals.
ing and next door to them, could be an huge sense of freedom, wonder and adven- One factor that drew us to Shelly is
urgent care center. So, they have different ture. Starting my business on my own gave her strong giving nature. “Volunteering has
needs. And therefore, when they call me, I me that same feeling. always been an important component of
get to adapt to what their needs are based When I meet new clients, one of the my life. I’ve been involved with the YMCA’s
on what their business is. It exposes me to first questions they typically say is why Red youth and family services program (YFS),
a lot of different kinds of businesses, and I Bike? Well, I’ll ask them a question before particularly helping those children who go
really get to see the backbone of America. I answer their query, I ask them, who through the foster care system.”
The millions of small businesses that make taught you how to ride a bike? And they This is not the only organization to
up who we are.” get nostalgic. Oh, it was my dad, and then which she has given her time, she was
The second aspect of Shelly’s job that they realize that their bike was red as well. involved with an organization that focuses
she enjoys is that she gets to positively Once I explain it, they immediately get this on helping the homeless. “The REstart
impact the lives and work experience personal connection and this warm fuzzy program is designed to meet the most basic
of her occupants. “We get to keep them feeling that you wouldn’t necessarily start needs of the economically disadvantaged
safe and keep the property well main- a business relationship with, but it actually - housing and employment - by providing
tained. We get to take care of their issues accomplished something that is wonder- education, training, and mentoring toward
and their problems, and hopefully help ful. It’s also unique enough that people the end goal of assisting homeless individu-
to make their work experience more remember it. als to gain employment within the prop-
pleasant. These are my motivators that In addition to her duties at Red Bike erty management industry. The program
make me feel like I’m making a difference Properties, Shelly also is a consultant for seeks to break the cycle of unemployment,
in other people’s lives. I’m not just doing developers in San Diego. Her ability to take homelessness, poverty, substance abuse,
this to make money.” an outsider’s look and perspective to trou- and domestic violence by instilling pride