Page 7 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 7
Women of Distinction
By Judith A. Habert
Photos By Melissa Jacobs
helly Weld grew up in a town which nation’s largest developer and one of the ous improvement within the department,
few people have heard of, Sweet 100 best companies to work for in the U S. I which included managers and maintenance
SHome Oregon. The name conjures up started out as their receptionist, but quickly staff under her direction.
the image of a small town where every- realized that this wasn’t for me so I looked I asked her what a commercial proper-
one knows and looks out for each other. around at the company to see what position ty manager’s job entailed. “As a commercial
According to Shelly, that is exactly what her would better suit me. They promoted me property manager, you manage all aspects
hometown was like. to admin and then to an assistant property of what it means to own a commercial
Shelly’s mom grew up in San Diego, so manager. Shortly afterwards they moved property. You represent the owner and
it had become a ritual that every summer me up to a property manager position and the tenants. You take care of everything
Shelly would travel to San Diego to spend then senior property manager. I’m in com- both outside and inside the property. The
her vacation with her grandparents. The mercial real estate today, as a result of that plumbing, the landscaping, the windows,
summer after high school, Shelly made her progression and the people that believed the roof, the electrical system and the like.
usual visit, but this time she decided not to in me along the way.” Shelly remained at Then you also handle the tenant/owner
return home. What sealed the deal was that Trammell Crow for 12 years, where she relationship, answering their questions,
during the first week in San Diego she met was responsible for the company’s growing negotiating leases and handling all related
the man who she would end up marrying portfolio of industrial and low and mid-rise issues. As a property manager, your job
just one year later. office product in San Diego and South is to make sure the needs of the property,
Since her life took such an unexpected Orange County. tenants, and the owners are met. You also
turn, she didn’t immediately attend college, Her next position was as the opera- oversee the leasing of the property, so it is
instead she got married and went out in the tions manager at One America Plaza , a imperative that you balance the customer
workforce. Her employer at the time saw the 569,630-square- foot Class A office tower relationship management of the tenants,
amazing potential she possessed and quick- in downtown San Diego. While at One so they remain as tenants. The customer
ly put her up for a promotion. “At the time America Plaza Shelly was recruited by service component is extremely important.
my employer had an educational require- H.G. Fenton company. Shelly was director It’s important that you let the tenants know
ment of a college degree, so this was all the of commercial property management for that they are important while they’re there,
enticement I needed to go back to school to H.G. Fenton Company in San Diego for 15 not just when you’re trying to get them to
earn my degree.” It took 6 years working full years. In this role, Shelly oversaw a 4.1-mil- sign a new lease.”
time and attending Chapman University in lion-square-foot portfolio of multi-tenant Shelly likens her job to being the
the evenings for Shelly to obtain a Bachelor industrial, office and R&D space. She was conductor of an orchestra. “Your oboe does
of Arts degree in Organizational leadership instrumental in the overall profitability and something different than your drums. You
and a minor in psychology. financial direction of the portfolio, develop- need not know how to play the drums, but
“My first job was with Trammell ing and implementing annual business you need to know who to call when the
Crow Company, at the time they were the plans and promoting a culture of continu- drums need to be played.”