Page 9 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 9

Dr. Gary Braunstein Brings

        and marketable skills in our participants -
        bringing families home again.”                    FirstFit® to San Diego
           At the end of the successful completion
        of the program, which includes work-
        ing on resume writing and job interview   In his usual style of   your natural tooth structure   temporaries involved.
        techniques, we set them up in the position   being on the cutting edge   since a computer-generat-  What makes this
        of Residential Manager Intern. We also   of dentistry, Dr. Gary Braun-  ed 3D printed prep guide   amazing new process even
                                                                                              more amazing is that Zirlux
                                                                      is fitted over your teeth.
                                               stein is the first dentist in
        provide them with appropriate clothing for   San Diego to offer the First-  This allows your dentist to   Zirconia and other highly
        their interview, so they look appropriate   Fit® System to his patients   only drill down the areas   esthetic and strong material
        when they search for jobs. They then begin   in his offices in Carlsbad   accessible through the   options are used and they
        an internship at a residential Multi-fam-  and Encinitas, California.  guide. On your first visit, the   are not only esthetically
                                                  “FirstFit® is a brand-new
        ily property. So, we resolve two problems   method which allows us to   only thing you need to do   pleasing but extremely
                                                                                              strong. FirstFit® has fewer
                                                                      is consult with your dentist
        through this program. They gain not only a   provide our patients with a   and allow him to show you   remakes because it elim-
        place to live, but a career path that they can   quicker and easier way to   what he will be doing.   inates blood and swollen
        grow with..”                           get back a beautiful smile.”   You do not have to   gingiva, which can often
           In preparation for the REstart class of   Instead of the traditional   sit through a 3-4 hour   interfere with accuracy in
        2020 this Spring, they are counting on con-  3 visit or more appoint-  appointment in which your   the final impression. “All
                                                                                              in all, this new process is a
                                               ments FirstFit® gets you the
                                                                      dentist prepares(drills) your
        tributions to help provide the tools to make   desired results with just   teeth, takes messy and   huge change from the way
        a difference and change their student’s lives.   two appointments. “One   uncomfortable impressions,   dentists proceeded before
        To make a donation, please contact RE-  of the hardest parts of the   and makes temporary   and the best part for many
        start’s Treasurer Paul Kneisel at pkneisel@  traditional method is that   veneers that must be worn   of my patients is that is All proceeds will   we had to fit our patient   for 2-3 weeks (Your teeth   about the same price as the
                                               with temporaries until the
                                                                                              old outdated method.”
                                                                      can be sensitive during this
        be invested directly in the program. They   final veneers, bridges or   time because they are not   Dr. Cyrus Tahmasebi is
        are depending on donations, sponsorships,   crowns were delivered. This   sealed. And due to difficulty   the developer of FirstFit® Dr.
        and volunteer support, to help make the   often resulted in irritation   in cleaning temporary   Cyrus Tahmasebi received
        REstart San Diego class of 2020 another   to the gums and a feeling of   veneers, your gums can   his dental degree from the
        huge success.                          unease as the temporaries   become inflamed and   University of Southern Cal-
                                                                                              ifornia in 1991, and started
                                               were not always able to
                                                                      irritated. Additionally, there
           Shelly Weld, founder of Red Bike Prop-  withstand the day to day   is the risk of the tempo-  practicing dentistry in La
        erties, brings the highest level of attention   chewing causing many   rary veneers breaking or   Jolla, California that same
        and care to your commercial property.   calls to the dentist offices   dislodging while you are   year. Known as Dr. Cyrus by
        With more than 30 years of experience in   often when the temporar-  waiting for your permanent   his followers, he discovered
        all aspects of real estate asset and proper-  ies either broke or fell out.   veneers.) The entire process   the process in San Diego,
                                                                      takes 1-2 hours, depending
                                                                                              but spends most of his time
                                               With FirstFit® this will not be
        ty management, Shelly ensures that your   happening”          on the number of veneers   traveling the world sharing
        property is exceptionally maintained, with   FirstFit® is a Guided   being placed.    his new process with
        a personal and pro-active management   Prosthetics Delivery System   With FirstFit® you get a   doctors everywhere, thus
        approach that focuses on adding value   that utilizes the latest dig-  perfect fit every time. CAD/  making Dr. Gary Braunstein,
        through efficient operations and preven-  ital technology to provide   CAM precision and patent-  one of the only dentists
                                                                      ed 3D printed prep guides
                                                                                              offering this procedure in
                                               the dentist with 3D printed
        tive maintenance. We commend Shelly    prep guides and the final   ensures perfection with a   San Diego.
        in all she does and are proud to call her a   ready-to-seat restoration   custom fit every time. This   If you want to get back
        San Diego Woman Magazine Woman of      at the same time. The 3D   eliminates the cost and has-  that beautiful smile, make
        Distinction.                           printed guides provide   sle of remakes. This system   an appointment today with
                                               predictable and consistent   eliminates temp emergen-  Dr. Braunstein at his Carls-
                                               esthetic restorations while   cies because there are no   bad or Encinitas Office.
        To Contact Shelly for your property man-  reducing the patient’s time
        agement needs, please visit her website at   at your dentist’s office. or contact   For those of us who
        her at:                                don’t fully understand the
        Shelly A. Weld, RPA®, CPM®             benefits of FirstFit®, let me
                                               add the following facts. This
        RED BIKE PROPERTIES                    new process allows your
        302 WASHINGTON STREET, #160            dentist to conserve more of
        SAN DIEGO, CA 92103
        Cell: 619-991-7706
        To learn more about the REstart program        Carlsbad Dental Care             Encinitas Dental Care
        go to            6221 Metropolitan St. Ste 102    191 N El Camino Real Ste. 209
        For information on the YMCA YFS visit          Carlsbad, CA 92009                Encinitas, CA 92024
                                                          760 918 0798
                                                                                           760 436 9691
        about-yfs                              To View More Information on the FirstFit® procedure visit:
                                                                
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