Page 35 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 35


        mier  communication  learning   “I'm  proud of  serving  as  a   Today, Ewig serves as a tor-  capable of carrying 154 Tom-
        institution, vital to the success  section leader inside our Navy  pedoman's mate. "My favorite  ahawk  cruise  missiles,  plus  a
        of public affairs professionals  detachment,” said Jefferson. "I  part about my job is getting  complement  of  heavyweight
        across the Department of De-  serve  as  a  mediator  between  to be the ship's defense when  torpedoes to be fired through
        fense,  the  United  States  gov-  the students and the staff."  called upon," said Ewig. "I get to  four torpedo tubes. As a mem-
        ernment,  and  international   As Jefferson and other  launch torpedoes, countermea-  ber of the submarine force,
        partners.                  sailors continue to train and  sures and missiles in the name  Ewig is part of a rich 121-year
           Jefferson attended Lincoln  perform the missions they are  of America."        history of the U.S. Navy’s most
        High School and graduated  tasked  with,  they  take  pride   According to Ewig, the val-  versatile  weapons  platform,
        in 2008.  Today, Jefferson uses  in serving their country in the  ues required to succeed in the  capable of taking the fight to
        skills and values similar to those  United States Navy.“Serving  military are similar to those  the enemy in the defense of
        learned in San Diego.      in the Navy means a lot be-  found in Fallbrook. "Fallbrook  America and its allies.  Serving
           “I grew up running track, so I  cause my brother, my father  taught me to have a strong  in the Navy means Ewig is part
        learned the importance of hard  and grandfathers were all in  work ethic and to not quit un-  of a team that is taking on new
        work,” said Jefferson.     the Navy,” added Jefferson. "I'm  til the job is done," said Ewig. "I  importance in America’s focus
           This lesson continues to  the only female that joined, so  also learned to treat others the  on rebuilding military readi-
        help Jefferson while serving in  that's an accomplishment I'm  way you want to be treated. If  ness,  strengthening  alliances
        the military.              proud of. Just to be a part of this  you do both of those things,  and reforming business prac-
           For the last 55 years, DIN-  lineage of service is an honor."  you will go far in life."  tices in support of the National
        FOS has trained communica-                               Known  as America’s “Silent  Defense Strategy.  "On a sub-
        tors  across  the  Department  of                     Service,” the Navy’s submarine  marine, we're the first to know
        Defense to help their organiza-                       force operates a large fleet of  what the bad guys are doing,"
        tions achieve strategic and op-                       technically  advanced  vessels.  said Ewig. "We face the ad-
        erational goals through applied                       These submarines are capable  versaries so our families don't
        public affairs strategies and                         of conducting rapid defen-  have to."
        visual  information  products.                        sive and offensive operations   There are many opportu-
        Courses offered by DINFOS in-                         around the world, in further-  nities for sailors to earn rec-
        clude Digital Multimedia, Joint                       ance of U.S. national security.  ognition in their command,
        Contingency  Public  Affairs,                         There are three basic types of  community and careers while
        Broadcast Journalism, Graphic                         submarines: fast-attack sub-  serving in the Navy.  "So far, I
        Design and more.                                      marines  (SSN),  ballistic-missile  am  most  proud  of  qualifying
           Serving in the Navy means                          submarines (SSBN) and guid-  Senior in Rate with only one
        Jefferson is part of a team that                      ed-missile  submarines  (SSGN).  year on board," said Ewig. "Typ-
        is taking on new importance in                        Fast-attack  submarines  are  ically that doesn't happen until
        America’s focus on rebuilding                         designed to hunt down and  your two and a half or three-
        military readiness, strength-  Fallbrook native       destroy enemy submarines  year mark."
        ening alliances and reforming                         and surface ships; strike targets   As Ewig and other sailors
        business practices in support of  serves aboard USS   ashore with cruise missiles; car-  continue to train and perform
        the National Defense Strategy.  Annapolis             ry and deliver Navy SEALs; con-  the missions they are tasked
           “The Navy helps keep the                           duct  intelligence,  surveillance,  with, they take pride in serv-
        seas safe,” said Jefferson.  By Megan Brown, Navy Office   and  reconnaissance  missions;  ing their country in the United
           With more than 90 percent   of Community Outreach  and engage in mine warfare.  States Navy.  "Joining the Navy
        of all trade traveling by sea,                           The Navy's ballistic-missile  has allowed me to make bonds
        and 95 percent of the world’s   MILLINGTON, Tenn. – A Fall-  submarines, often referred to  with people that will last a life-
        international phone and inter-  brook, California, native is serv-  as "boomers," serve as a strate-  time,"  added  Ewig.  "I  couldn't
        net traffic carried through fiber  ing aboard USS Annapolis, one  gic  deterrent  by  providing  an  ask for anything more."
        optic cables lying on the ocean  of the world’s most advanced  undetectable platform for sub-
        floor, Navy officials continue to  nuclear-powered submarines.  marine-launched ballistic mis-
        emphasize that the prosperi-  Seaman Cameron Ewig, a  siles. SSBNs are designed spe-
        ty and security of the United  2019 Fallbrook High School  cifically for stealth, extended
        States is directly linked to a  graduate, joined the Navy two  patrols and the precise deliv-
        strong and ready Navy.     years ago.  "I joined the Navy  ery of missiles. Guided-missile
           Jefferson and the sailors  because my father served in the  submarines provide the Navy
        they serve with have many op-  Marine Corps," said Ewig. "I also  with unprecedented strike and
        portunities to achieve accom-  wanted  to  build  a  foundation  special operation mission ca-
        plishments during their military  and set myself up for the future  pabilities from a stealthy, clan-
        service.                   through serving."          destine platform. Each SSGN is

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