Page 37 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 37

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds




        keyhole, and a comfortable poly spandex   natural movement. The 1st wave absorbs the   try-on, we learned Kurvwear can help with
        blend. Visit to find   initial shock to the heel and ankle, the 2nd   that added boost of confidence many of us
        your perfect new outfit             wave cushions the arch, the 3rd wave rolls you   are lacking these days.
                                            forward, and the 4th wave pushes you off. This   Kurvwear was a creation born out of ne-
        4.  Famolare                        patented design is the main reason we can go   cessity. When the Founder, Aalysha Athreya,
        It is a rarity to come across a fashion brand   from day to night without a change of shoes!  had a friend go through a near-death experi-
        that so wholeheartedly stands for women. Fa-  To find your new favorite pair today, visit   ence after a plastic surgery procedure, she felt
        molare provides an energy of female empow-                called to create a product that gave women
        erment in every design. This woman-owned                                 the same results they seek through surgery in
        business is also dedicated to sustainability   5.  Constant Sol          a safer manner. Thus, the Kurv Short was born.
        with a promise to do business in the most   Constant Sol is an American-based company   The Kurv Short went through 37 incar-
        ethical manner.                     whose primary goal is to help prevent the   nations before it was perfected to Aalysha’s
           Famolare was born from Joe Famolare,   occurrence of skin cancer by providing stylish   standards, but after 9 months, she finally felt
        a 3rd generation shoemaker who began   UV protective clothing that keeps people safe   the shorts were ready to be revealed.
        working on his craft at the age of 12. In the   and comfortable in the sun.  The bonus to   The Kurv Short comes in a high waist and
        1970s Famolare pushed the notion that a   these garments? Anti-aging properties.  short waist option. With compression and
        shoe should be a comfortable aid to natural   We all have heard of the damage the sun   padding technology combined, these shorts
        movement and not just a fashion statement.   can do to your skin, but until now, we have   provide the curves for which you’ve always
        Today, their sandals are one of the most cov-  not come across sun-protective clothing that   dreamed. The high shorts feature a 15 cm
        eted styles with timeless leather strap designs   was also stylish. The pieces in Constant Sol’s   high waistline which will flatten and cinch
        and bold recyclable rubber soles.  One of our   collection bring sophistication and function   your waist while padding around the hips and
        favorite styles to amp up your wardrobe is   into one garment. One of the gorgeous pieces   butt adds the perfect amount of volume. The
        the Queen Bee design. This beautiful salmon   which caught our eye was the Jovie Wrap Top.   thigh compression and waist-cinching create
        pink suede shoe features an open toe and full   The dust rose version of this top provides 50+   the figure you always desired without any of
        coverage crocodile heel strap. The style will   SPF protection and is made in the USA. This   the work or cost.
        keep your outfit on point, but the padded   top is the ideal pairing to your favorite pair of   Offered in sizes XS to 3XL, these shorts
        innersole and leather lining will make these   black pants for a day in the office.   will be a staple in your wardrobe no matter
        heels the most comfortable fashion statement   If you are looking for an outfit for your   the event. We recommend going for a short
        you’ll ever make.                   next date night, we recommend the Sola-  and high waist pair to help accommodate any
           Famolare is dedicated to sourcing   na Dress in Desert Taupe. This classic dress   outfit which comes your way.
        renewable and recyclable components,   can easily be paired with nude heels and a   Give your confidence a boost and shop
        using nickel-free buckles, and sourcing their   clutch for an impressive appearance that will   the Kurvwear collection now at Kurvwear.
        goods within North America. Each pair has a   have you ready for a night of Instagram-able   com.
        short transport that assists in creating a low   moments.
        carbon footprint and is made in a factory that   View the entire collection of sun protec-  7.  ATRAC
        provides a living wage to employees. These   tion fashions at  Dedicated to multifunctional fashion, Atrac
        contributions to our earth are just one of the                           stands out for its unique design approach. The
        many reasons we love Famolare. Another   6.  Kurvwear                    brand’s desire is to simplify your life through
        huge reason? Their unique heel design that   Confidence is key when facing any day, but   purposeful designs. The most popular offering
        alleviates pain and improves posture.   especially for a special event or long-awaited   from Atrac is their Wristlet Phone Pouch.
           The rubber compound used in the soles   date night. We had the opportunity to try out   This pouch features powerful magnetic
        acts as a mediator between your feet and   this line of undergarments which provides   closures that can cling to your backpack,
        hard pavement and serves as an aid to your   an alternative to plastic surgery. With a quick   purse, or gym bag for easy access to your

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