Page 41 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 41

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



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        This rub is great for relieving menstrual   colors and stylish design. Shop the entire   gluten-free, and phthalate-free. Carefully
        cramps, soreness, aches, and pain. This blend   collection at  sourced and mindfully packaged, they hold
        of coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, plant wax,                       their ingredients and products to the highest
        lavender essential oil, frankincense essential   19. Loumi Eye Cream     standards with you and the planet in mind.
        oil, and Broad-Spectrum CBD will improve   Between aging, lifestyle, and weather   To learn more about this outstanding skin
        dry complexion, and soothe irritated skin and   exposure, our eyes have taken a beating. A   care brand visit
        sore muscles.                       problem area for many women, the Loumi Eye
           Mad Ritual bath bombs are the perfect   Cream seeks to solve this issue with a formu-  20. Glass Gloss Vegan Lip
        gift for your friends and family, or the perfect   lation of rice, soy, and rosehip that hydrates   When you want a boost of confidence, you
        self-care treat. These fizzy and velvety soft   and brightens to aid in collagen production.   reach for your favorite cosmetic for a quick
        bath bombs will make you feel like a kid again   You won’t believe how quickly you’ll be saying   reapply. Glass Gloss makes that even more
        as time slips away as you relax in 50mg of full   goodbye to those under-eye circles!  delightful with their certified cruelty-free
        spectrum CBD to induce a spa-like relaxation   The ingredients within Loumi’s Eye Cream   line that comes in a wide array of colors and
        with every soak. The super clean ingredients   are natural and restorative. Rosehip oil helps   scents.
        in these bath bombs will impress as they   reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Olive Oil allows   One of our favorite colors is their “Bougee”
        consist only of baking soda, citric acid, Epsom   for antibacterial, anti-aging, and moisturizing   Glass Gloss. This creamy, ultra-smooth, gloss
        salt, corn starch, coconut oil, full-spectrum   with Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Hydrolyzed Rice   provides moisture, pigmentation, and lasting
        hemp oil, eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint   Bran Protein is a powerful antioxidant and   wear. Its light pink tone is both delicate and
        essential oil, and 50mg of Full-Spectrum CBD.   anti-inflammatory with a calming effect. This   flattering. Another staple to your cosmetics
           The beautiful packaging and opportunity   mixture of high-quality ingredients will leave   collection will be the “Nebula” color, which
        to purchase bundles, make instant relief a   your eyes feeling nourished and hydrated   features iridescent reflections of purple and
        quick and easy notion. Visit   within the first use.       pink. This extensive line of glosses comes
        to view the entire collection today.   This miraculous eye cream is just one of   packed in a beautiful slim glass container and
                                            the offerings from this outstanding brand.   makes the perfect gift for women of all ages.
        18. Sun Patches                     Loumi was created with the mission to help   But don’t just take our word for it; Food
        If you love the sun, but hate the damage   you illuminate your skin and your confidence.   Influencer and Actress, Tabitha Brown, raved
        it does to your skin, Sun Patch is a game   Designed with YOU in mind, they formulated   about this line of vegan cosmetics on her
        changer.                            products with the highest of standards using   YouTube channel!
           These patches are designed to protect   only clean, natural ingredients — so you can   View the entire selection of gorgeous,
        your extra sensitive areas against harmful   feel good knowing that your skincare lineup is   safe, cosmetics at
        UV rays. Their popular under eye protection   safe and effective.
        stickers provide UPF 50+ Infused Silicon   Loumi’s founder created the brand after   21. Plantifique
        which blocks 99% UVA/UVB rays. They are   she was constantly traveling for work and   If you want to take great care of your skin,
        waterproof and work great while swimming.   started noticing the impact it was having on   then plants are your answer! Plantifique is a
        Latex and phthalate free, each pack includes   her skin. Her need for a simple, natural skin-  brand which offers plant-based beauty prod-
        4 hypoallergenic & reusable pairs. One pair   care routine that would help with dark spots   ucts and accessories.
        can be reused up to 10 times! For a little   and puffiness is what sparked her vision for   The product which first caught our eye is
        added fun, Sun Patch created Star Stickers.   Loumi. A long-time advocate for clean beauty,   their Superfood Marine Clay Mask. It’s formu-
        These sunblock protection stickers help make   she incorporated it into the formulation be-  lated with a unique combination of 7 natural
        sun protection fun again. Your kids will love   cause of its powerful healing and antioxidant   herbs and superfoods. These ingredients will
        sporting these adorable stars on their face for   properties.            keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.
        an Instagram worthy snapshot! In fact, all Sun   Loumi’s products are 100% natural,   The mask will also detoxify skin and bring
        Patch items are fun to wear with their bright   vegan, paraben-free, sulfate-free, cruelty-free,   all impurities to the surface. It’s used as an

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