Page 43 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 43

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



           FGBG covers all the bases when it comes   Another huge benefit to Lion’s Mane is its   Visit to view their line of
        to what we as women want out of a vitamin   ability to boost your immune system.   hydration supplements today.
        company. These gummy vitamins are easily   Fungies™ doesn’t just benefit your
        portable as they come pre-portioned in little   future. When you purchase one bottle of this  27. Old Trapper
        packs that are both visually appealing and   powerful supplement, Fungies™ gives one to   How do you handle hunger while on those
        easy to take with you on the go.    Vitamin Angels. Vitamin Angels provide this   summer road trips?  You know the destina-
           FGBG offers a great option of their Vari-  bottle to a pregnant woman or child in need   tion is important and no one wants to make
        ety Bundle.                         of nutritional support. This one-for-one   numerous stops for snacks along the way.
           This bundle includes all the customer   model helps to build a healthier world, one   This is when
        favorites- Hair, Skin, & Nail Gummies, CBD,   gummy at a time!             Old Trapper’s Beef 'n Cheese Zero Sugar
        and Women’s multivitamins. Each box is a   Visit now to better your   Snack Sticks save the day.  Old Trapper pro-
        one-month supply of 30 packets.     health and that of a woman or child in need!  vides a satisfying and healthy treat perfect for
           The Hair, Skin, & Nails supplement is a                               busy summer traveling.
        mix of Biotin, Vitamin C & E.       26. Hydralyte                          Available in Original and Jalapeno flavors,
           The CBD is 25 mg and 99% Pure CBD   In our daily routine, we are often running   these double-threat snack sticks are sure to
        isolate.                            from one meeting to another with just   be a go-to for quick and easy snacking. The
           The Women’s Multivitamin offers all you   enough time to grab a coffee or an energy   Original variation features a delicious smoked
        need with a blend of Vitamins A, C, D, E,   drink and make it to the next destination.   beef stick that is flanked by a stick of satisfying
        B-Complex, and Zinc.                Sure, we may throw a water in there along   American cheese. The Jalapeno version brings
           These gummies are also made from fruit-   the way, but we are not receiving the neces-  a new level of spiciness with Jalapeno pepper
        not animal gelatin! That means they are   sary hydration our body deserves.   flavor and a spicy Pepper Jack cheese stick.
        vegetarian-friendly, cruelty-free, and contain   Hydralyte makes taking care of your-  Whether you savor these snacks together or
        no lactose.                         self on the go an easy endeavor. Sold in   one at a time it is sure to satisfy the need for a
           Learn more about the incredible prod-  single-serving portable packaging, these   delicious snack on the go.
        ucts from FGBG at  handy tubes can be thrown in your purse   Old Trapper Dual treats are individually
                                            and added to your water anywhere you go!   wrapped and found in grocery checkout lines
        25. Fungies                         These powders are non-GMO and made   and convenience stores nationwide.  For more
        Fungies™ is the most convenient and deli-  from clean, vegan ingredients. Produced in   information visit their site at  www.OldTrap-
        cious way to add lion's mane mushrooms   Switzerland, this drink mix is free of artificial
        to your daily routine. The brain-boosting   flavors, colors, sweeteners, gluten, dairy, and
        benefits of this fantastic fungi are packed   caffeine.                  28. Duck Pond Wine
        into all-natural, delicious, and vegan-friendly   The natural flavors are vast with options   Summer is in full swing, and we love relaxing
        gummies.                            like Orange, Strawberry Lemonade, Berry   outside with a glass of wine on the patio.
           So, who is Fungies™ for? Anyone and   Blast, and Lemon Lime. If you are in a slump   When we came across Duck Pond Wine, we
        everyone looking to recharge their day!   and need an added boost for your immune   realized we could make a smarter choice
        These revolutionary gummies are perfect   system, Hydralyte offers their Hydration +   in our wine selection for these romantic
        for students, business professionals, and   Immune System Boost line which has the   evenings.
        parents, plus, they serve up a delicious dose   added nutrients your body craves. These nu-  Duck Pond Wine offers low-sulfite organic
        of focus outside work hours.        trients include 7 key electrolytes, 300mg of   wines that are free of harmful glyphosate and
           Lion’s Mane benefits aren’t limited to just   Elderberry, 1000mg of Vitamin C, and 10mg   pesticides and are committed to consumer
        focus. This powerful ingredient also provides   of Zinc. With 75% less sugar and four times   transparency. Duck Pond wines embody and
        a boost of energy, mood-enhancing proper-  the electrolytes than sports drinks, these   reflect a steadfast commitment to farming
        ties, cognitive function, and inflammation.   mixes will be your new go-to beverage.   sustainably and organically. Their vision is

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