Page 47 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 47

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds

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        love the comfort of being in our own house,   The Lamp Angel has become a main-  gifts for grandparents or family members who
        with this luxury comes some minor inconve-  stay in our home. This emergency light is   do not get to experience the day-to-day fun
        niences. Those inconveniences are generally   also a beautiful décor piece that you would   of their grandchildren or loved ones.
        the needs of our little ones- bursting in   never know serves such a utilitarian purpose.   A great idea to make the most of your
        the door with a problem only mom can fix.   Lamp Angel offers fun color-changing LEDs   little one’s early years is to create books for
        With Busy Box, you can eliminate unwanted   which allow for 50,000 hours of LED light.   every special event and tuck them away like
        visitors by posting your status for all to view.   The high-quality shatterproof base makes it   an archive for all to share in the joy. If your
        These box signs come with changeable   an easy addition to any family or kid's room   kids have graduation or prom, you can create
        covers, slide-in words for clear messaging,   and its emergency light technology makes it   a book specifically for that occasion and each
        Bluetooth networking, and light modes.   a life saver in those crucial and unexpected   theme will serve as a snapshot into a moment
        With a long battery of up to 120 hours, you   moments. The Lamp Angel also has 16-24   in time.
        can work into the night with ease. The Busy   hours of continuous backup light and smart-  The books are of the utmost quality as
        Box even has voice commands and app   phone integration for remote operation when   they are printed in high resolution on archival
        control that makes configuring your own a   needed.                      Mohawk paper. One of the best parts is that
        breeze!                                With just the hit of the button on your   the app will save your books in a library
           If you own a small business, this handy   mobile device, you can schedule the times for   so you can easily send the link to family
        sign can also be a lifesaver. For us, knowing   the lamps to power on and off and you can   members to purchase as they desire. You can
        when the boss is on a call or unable to assist   choose from hundreds of LED colors.   choose to subscribe to Recently on a monthly,
        the employees makes communication more   The team behind these innovative light   quarterly, or one-at-a-time basis. The app han-
        effective. It also avoids unnecessary inter-  fixtures is just as brilliant as the product.   dles the layout for you and lets you focus on
        ruptions throughout the day. If handling   Owner Cherie Cunningham knew she had to   choosing up to 150 photos to fill the pages.
        in-person work such as customers lined up   commercialize the incredible advancement   Now, you may be thinking that this must
        for assistance, the Busy Box can serve as a   of Chief Design Officer, Russie Jones’ battery   cost an arm and a leg- and boy are we happy
        signal to clientele to approach the employee   backup technology and started this venture   to tell you that is entirely incorrect! For just
        at the correct time.                along with her husband, John. Owner Cherie   $12.99 a month, you can create a magazine
           To learn more about Busy Box and all the   says her goal is to empower other women   every 30 days and you have no obligation
        benefits it can bring to your work environ-  entrepreneurs to give back to the community   to stay. If you feel you’ve captured enough
        ment, visit today.  by supporting women advocate groups and   memories, simply cancel in a quick and easy
                                            that is a message we can get behind!  manner. Visit to download
        39. InPowered Lights                   To shop the ingenious products of InPow-  the app and start protecting those memora-
        If you’ve ever experienced a blackout, you   ered, visit  ble moments today!
        know the fear that comes with not being able
        to find the necessities such as candles, flash-  40. Recently App        41. Solo by Sidetrak: Solo Touch Pro HD
        lights, and portable chargers. With InPowered   We fill our phones with fantastic photos cap-  15.8”
        Lights, you can eliminate all your fears in one   turing every memorable moment, and yet, of-  Harness unstoppable productivity at home
        simple purchase.                    ten go on to scroll past these images without   and on the go by utilizing an extra freestand-
           The world’s only lamp with Autolight   ever appreciating their beauty again. Recently   ing monitor for your laptop. Solo by Sidetrak
        Emergency Technology, InPowered provides   App has taken these moments and brought   allows you to double your efficiency in a
        lights that detect when there is no electricity   them into your home by creating an easy-to-  matter of minutes. This 15.8” screen easily at-
        and automatically turn on. These fixtures also   use application where you can choose your   taches to your laptop to provide an additional
        come equipped with a USB charging port that   digital photos and create a high-quality mag-  monitor.
        can charge your mobile phones and small   azine out of them. These books come bound   This user-friendly touchscreen allows you
        electronics.                        with all your selections and make incredible   to navigate through tabs, docs, and fields with

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