Page 45 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 45

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



        Complete with natural extracts, these masks   fore, this must be nourished at a young age.   for kids Ages 3-6, specifically designed to get
        are safe for moisturizing a child’s skin and are   Schleich Animals provides quality detailed fig-  them away from the TV and off their tablets.
        sized to fit a child’s face.        urines that allow your child to explore a world   This Bluetooth-enabled bear is controlled
           The Butter Lip Crayon from Puttisu will   both unfamiliar and exciting. With Schleich   through an app that allows you to choose
        replace your expensive lipstick and be easy to   Animals, these unique figurines will spark the   bedtime stories, interesting tales, and fun
        maneuver in a child’s hand. The hypoallergen-  storyteller in your little one with an extensive   facts or phrases that your child can learn.
        ic and moisturizing stick is made from shea   line of wildlife and domesticated animals.   Once you pair the app, you can have assis-
        butter and Rosehip oil as well as many fruit   Their farm animals collection offers fun,   tance with even the most trying of routines.
        extracts, topped off with a sweet berry scent!  authentic, detailed figurines that even mother   One great function is allowing Teddy to
           Visit to shop the entire   nature will approve of! One of our favorite   lead your child through brushing their teeth.
        collection today and surprise your little angel   items is the Hippity Hops 4-Pack Bunny Bun-  This is just one of the many healthy and posi-
        with a cosmetic set of her own!     dle. This pack of fun-loving Schleich bunnies   tive activities that Teddy can help your child to
                                            each has a colorful signature ear color and   accomplish. The extensive list of 15+ activities
        32. PatPat Go Neat                  are the ideal accompaniment to your easter   led by Smart Teddy includes: Use the Potty,
        If there is one thing we can promise when a   basket or farm pieces. Recommended for ages   Wake Up Time, Wash Your Hands, Take a Bath,
        kid gets a new outfit, is that it won’t stay new   3-8, these bunnies are sure to delight with   Talk About Your Problem, Get Ready for Bed,
        for long. With a new little one in our family,   their curious expression and head tilt featur-  and Shut Off the TV. With Teddy leading your
        we know all too well the struggle of keeping   ing their copper fur and white bellies.   child through once tumultuous activities, they
        them clean from sun up to sun down. PatPat   Another stand-out item from Schleich is   learn to find the activity fun and interesting.
        Go Neat is a brand that developed a brilliant   the Llama figurine. This highly realistic depic-  One of the huge benefits of Smart Teddy
        product for kids. Go Neat Technology is a   tion of one of America's favorite animals is   is the ability to take your child away from their
        stain-resistant coating that keeps your kid's   going to be the star of the show in your child’s   hours of screen time. Operated purely under
        clothing mess free! Yup, that’s right. If they   next adventure. The Llama has a thick white   the phone Wi-Fi, Smart Teddy doesn’t require
        spill milk or any other unwanted substance,   coat and spunky expression that piques the   any time on your phone and automatically up-
        it will come right off these garments with a   interest of anyone who sees him. Luckily, the   dates itself to use the prompts you desire. With
        wipe of a damp cloth. The fabric is a comfort-  quality craftsmanship used in Schleich toys is   a company behind him that prides itself on con-
        able cotton polyester blend and these basic   built to last and withstand the test of time.   stantly evolving, Smart Teddy will also feature
        tees are perfect for any outfit or gender.   The new addition to the Schleich family is   Seasonal content and educational games.
           Water repellent, stain resistant, and   their very popular licensed Smurf collection.   Smart Teddy offers a 90-Day No Questions
        durable fabric make PatPat Go Neat a one-of-  Featuring all your favorite friendly blue char-  Asked Money Back Guarantee. This dedication
        a-kind find in the children’s fashion industry.   acters, this collection is sure to delight fans of   to their product provides security in spending
        This stylish and practical design will become   the movies or tv show.   a little extra on this high-tech bear. While its
        your go-to top for your boy or girl as you can   To find your child’s new favorite figurine,   technology may be advanced, Smart Teddy
        have the peace of mind of knowing that no   visit   is extremely user-friendly and offers its main
        matter what you face that day, their clothing                            operational buttons on each limb. Choose
        is up for the challenge!            34. Smart Teddy                      from Stories, Smart Teddy Radio, Super Paw,
           Visit to view the entire   If you have ever spent more than an hour with   or Favorites by the delicate squeeze of a paw.
        collection today.                   a child these days, you know keeping their   These activities will keep even the most de-
                                            attention is not an easy feat. Smart Teddy   cerning child entertained.
        33. Schleich Animals: Bunnies/Llama  provides a unique interactive experience while   The Teddy also helps kids to develop life
        A child’s imagination is a beautiful exploration   combining the highest technology for ease   skills and motivates them to take care of every-
        of self. The ability to pretend and story tell are   of use through storytelling and comradery. A   day responsibilities they aren't always excited
        a gift many outgrow from adolescence. There-  Smart Teddy is a multifunctional AI companion   about; plus, he can teach them their ABCs and

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