Page 44 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 44

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        to produce quality wines that express the   If looking to create a savory dish, the   Want to skip the mess of cutting a lime
        region's purest, most natural form, just as   Taste of Tuscany spice blend is your go-to   and squeezing it into the tiny opening?
        mother nature intended. In 2020, Duck Pond   spice blend. Perfect for pasta dishes, stews,   Twang Beer Salt is the perfect way to get that
        produced the first Natural Path Production   soups, and chicken, this mix can also be   rich lime juice flavor without all the work.
        Wines, Certified by the Clean Label Project.   sprinkled in olive oil for a yummy bread dip.   Simply sprinkle and drink! The Lemon Lime of-
           The selection at Duck Pond is expansive   To set the table for this flavorful meal,   fering provides a similar experience and goes
        and affordable. The 2021 “Natural Path” Rose   check out August Table’s linens. These   great with Mexican or American lagers and
        is an excellent choice at only $14.99. If you   tablecloths and napkins feature gorgeous   can provide a surprise twist to your margarita
        are looking to elevate your dinner, you can   boho-chic designs and natural dyes. The   recipe.
        dive into Duck Pond’s Heritage Wines with a   set of 4 table napkins are eco-friendly and   While these ingenious salt toppers seem
        2016 Pinot Noir at $48.00.          handmade in India, and utilize 100% mill-  like something a major beer distributor would
           The Natural Path Production with Duck   made cotton. One of our favorite options   have created, this small business was born in
        Pond guarantees Vegan Only Fining agents,   is the Here Comes the Sun design which   Texas and began in a garage! Its humble be-
        No added sugars, No flash pasteurization, No   features little colorful suns that are sure to   ginnings haven’t stopped the company from
        thermovinification, and contains less than   make any guest smile!       growing fast and Twang has now become
        100 ppm, which is the standard for Organic   View the entire collection of spices and   a staple in many pantries and bars across
        Grapes.                             linens at           the country! Visit to have your
           With every variety being produced under                               6 count of beer salt shipped straight to your
        Award Winning Winemaker Julia Cattrall, you   30. Twang Beer Salt        door for your next party or event.
        can rest assured each bottle will be a delight-  Summer’s here! And wow, are we ready to
        ful addition to your evening, regardless of   relax. With plans to hang poolside and enjoy   31. Puttisu
        price point. Plus, with the care and attention   the SoCal sunshine, we know the perfect ac-  Puttisu is going to be your little girl’s favorite
        each bottle receives, you will trust in the   companiment to our afternoon bliss is an ice-  brand! Focused on providing high quality
        quality of the wine, the process in which is it   cold beer. While a can of beer could certainly   kids cosmetics, their products feature natural
        derived, and its wholesome ingredients. Visit   quench our thirst, we always love to jazz it up   ingredients like water, minerals, and essential to shop the entire   with more flavor through a squeeze of lime   oils. There are no harsh chemicals or toxic
        collection today!                   and a dash of salt. Twang Beer Salt develop-  ingredients in any Puttisu item, making it the
                                            ers knew this was a popular addition to the   ideal gift for your little fashionista.
        29. August Table                    home beer drinker’s brew and came up with   If your child loves painting their nails,
        This summer, there are bound to be endless   3 flavors of salt that are the ideal topping to   like ours, Puttisu’s line of fun polishes will
        get-togethers where you are searching for a   your adult beverage.       be a welcome addition to your home. Their
        unique recipe to impress family and friends.   The 3 flavors available from Twang are   banana scented polish comes packaged in an
        August Table just made that project a simple   Lemon Lime, Lime, and Michelada. Michela-  adorable and fun container which features a
        endeavor.                           das are a popular tomato and beer concoc-  character topper on each bottle. The polish is
           Offering complex spices, sugar blends,   tion that is a favorite among our family. This   water based and easily peels off for creative
        and table linens, this company makes   blend is often topped with spices and salt as   fun any time of day. The glitter and high gloss
        entertaining a breeze. One of our favorite   well as a sweet stir stick. With Twang Michela-  will also make your baby quick to reach for
        selections is their Roasted Espresso Sugar. This   da Beer Salt, you simply coat the rim with this   these shades.
        delicious sugar adds an espresso flavor to any   mix of tomato, lime, and chili before pouring   Another offering from Puttisu, which we
        of your baked goods. Just think of creating   in a domestic lager or Mexican import. A   couldn’t resist, is their line of facial masks.
        buttercream cupcakes topped with fresh   popular cocktail is to top tequila shots or bev-  These stick-on masks include Puttisu’s signa-
        Roasted Espresso Sugar to bring a delicious   erages with the Michelada salt for an added   ture sheep character, hearts, and a little crown
        coffee flavor to the forefront of your dessert.   burst of spicy flavor.   which makes any little girl feel like a princess!

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