Page 51 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 51

             PLAYING WITH THE

                    UNKNOWN                                                  BYE-BYE CANCER

                        By Kiy Burnett                                            By Gerald M. Neff
        She pulled into her driveway feeling exhilarated. She         Special Note : This particular string of  stylized verse is
        couldn't believe what she had done and experienced ear-                a bit on the rude and crude side
        lier that evening. She stepped out of her warm car into          But then so is prostate cancer and that’s not even
        the brick cold. The change of air reminded her that she                  considering the alternative.
        was awake and not dreaming. She reached into her purse                 So here is BYE- BYE Cancer..
        feeling for her keys. She finds them and pulls them out,
        shuffling to find the right one to open her door. She un-              Full bladder. Empty gut.
        locks the door and turns the knob with tremulous hands.                       So that,
        Although what she experienced that evening left her feel-              The Scripps Club can cure
        ing excited and a bit overwhelmed, she couldn't help but                      My gut.
        feel a bit uneasy.
                                                                             So It’s “Hey-Hey take it away”
        “Babe!”  She  calls  out  to  her  fiance.  “In  the  room!”  he      Come and play another day
        shouts back. She walks briskly to the bedroom, remov-               And this time with someone else
        ing her sweater, she steps into the room, eyes wide, star-                   PLEASE!
        ing at him with wonder. “Guess what! I was hypnotized
        today at work! They had this guy come in for employee                My friends and loyal attendants
        appreciation day! Can you believe it?! It was real! And it              Led by the good doctor
        works!” she yelled in glee, while tossing her sweater at                “Kill the Cancer Linson”
        him. He catches it, while looking at her in disbelief.               Which include at the front line
                                                                         The fine “#METOO doctors and nurses”
        “I can't believe you did that”, he replied softly. “You mean
        to tell me you let a complete stranger take control of your       Tiffany, Tammy, Imelda, Dawn, Angela.
        mind?” “ Its not like that!” She said in defense. “It was        In the rear is the finely tuned team called
        fun and harmless. You know how shy I am? He made                        “The COLD Pants Crew”
        me think I was Beyonce! It felt real! Like we switched         who are In the radiation room armed with the
        bodies!                                                     mighty intensity modulated radiation therapy machine,
                                                                      And are responsible for my successful treatments.
        She started to laugh, I was dancing, and singing.. I had
        no control! I thought I was beyonce! She laughs. But it    And of  course, the answer to the Summary Care Plan of
        ends when she sees his look of disapproval.             “How does being a cancer survivor have an impact on my health?”

        “Don't be a buzzkill babe, I just wanted to have a bit of                    Is because
        fun.” I'm glad you had a good time honey, but you said it   “It gives me life, love, family and the pursuit of  happiness”
        was real, and if it's real we need to believe what we heard
        about it. It's the unknown, and it's dangerous. Like being   For my friends I Proudly have this to say -fellow PTSD clubbers
        pushed into outer space, the possibilities and doors that                  and all concerned- :
        can be opened are limitless. And more importantly it's                   This veteran is now
        against our religion!” “OK!” She yells, it won't happen                 99% Cancer free…..Yes!
        again. They both lay down, “Alexa! Lights! He yells. The                And this lucky lad is me.
        lights dim and they drift to sleep.
                                                                My sincere thanks to the Cancer Club at the Scripps Vista Clinic
        She wakes up a few hours later feeling uneasy. “ I forgot                    Yours truly,
        to lock the door,” she thinks to herself. One of her pet                   Gerald M. Neff
        peeves. She climbs out of bed and starts down the hall-
        way. The living room is dimly lit. She sees the door is
        locked and walks back to her room in agitation that she
        got out of bed for nothing. She stops dead in her tracks.
        Her body turns ice cold. Her eyes wide, enveloped in fear
        and dismay. She sees herself in bed, next to her fiance.
        But how? “ : what's happened to me?! Am I dead?! Am I
        dreaming?! How do I get back to my body?! What's go-
        ing on?! Her mind is racing. In fear. She screamed for
        Him. but was unheard. There she stood, room spinning,
        trapped outside of her body, screaming, unheard. Stuck
        in the unknown.

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