Page 56 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 56


        ing on the terrace of our   track minds—get him off   delicious plate of smoked   memorable. Traveling in
        stylishly appointed casita.   of me as soon as possible. If  brisket with all the fixings   general teaches lessons that
        The Boulders can be pricey,  you are curious about bull   to complete this amazing   one can only learn by get-
        especially during high     riding yourself and would   experience.                ting out there. So go ahead,
        season (typically starting   like to get your “feet wet”,   I can truly say that   hit the open road! With a
        around $500 per night plus   for a fee of $5.00, you can   our road trip was a huge   little sense of adventure and
        resort fees), but well-worth   ride the not quite as disor-  success. All of the new   an open mind, you never
        it if you desire a uniquely   derly mechanical bull. Also,  explorations and discover-  know what discovery awaits
        tranquil and grounding     while here, be sure to try a   ies made our travels very   around the next corner.
           The Boulders Resort is
        a quiet and slower-paced
        property, however, if you
        are in the mood for a bit
        of nightlife, you can travel
        about three miles down
        the road to Cave Creek—
        home of a popular saloon
        and restaurant, Buffalo
        Chip. Make sure to visit
        on Wednesday or Friday
        for their fun-filled bull
        riding nights. This popular
        event draws large crowds
        of locals and visitors of all
        ages. (Tickets are $10.00
        per person). Grab a beer
        at one of their indoor or
        outdoor bars and take
        a seat on the bench to
        prepare for a thrilling ride!
        When the gates open, you
        will be a witness to the
        incredible power of ram-
        bunctious bulls with one

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