Page 53 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 53

10 Online Clothing Resale Sites

         perfect to add more cash to your pocket

                                By Stephanie Moram

           Did you know 85% of our clothes end up in landfills or burned? Which means that trendy skort
        you bought last season isn’t just a fashion crisis, it’s a potential contributor to the environmental crisis.
           Reselling your previously loved clothes, shoes, and accessories is one of my favorite options because
        it shifts your mindset—things you no longer want aren’t trash, they are merchandise. Plus, reselling
        not only puts money back in your pocket, but it’s also so much better for the environment.
           Resale fashion reduces the demand for the creation of new products and reduces the demand
        for resources, thereby limiting the negative impact on our planet. Buying or selling secondhand,
        instead of buying new or dumping products in the trash, helps you contribute to a circular economy.
        The possibilities are endless (less waste, less production, less pollution, more savings, more vintage,
        more creativity!), and your positive impact on the planet and the ripple effect of your forward-think-
        ing decisions are far-reaching. The demand for preloved clothing is there, so it’s time to turn your
        previously loved pieces into an eco-friendly business with these 10 online sites.

        ONLINE RESALE OPTIONS      80% of the product’s earnings)   upload your images in less than   buyer or, if they are local, you
        1. Poshmark - also an app  and  they  process  returns  and   60 seconds.  When your item   can meet up to exchange the
        The easy interface makes this a   pay for shipping so you don't   is sold, ship it free of charge   items just like on Facebook Mar-
        great place to resell your stuff   have to.            to  Vestiaire.  Their experts will   ketplace. Vinted prides itself on
        and also buy products. You cre-                        check for quality and authen-  its lack of selling fees or hidden
        ate a free account as a seller and   4. Fashionphile   ticity before sending it to the   charges.
        are responsible for the sale of   They are a pre-owned luxury   buyer. Once the item is shipped
        the items, but the buyer pays   online consignment shop and   to the new owner, the payment   10. Varage Sale
        for shipping.  With Poshmark,   a one-stop shop for high-end   is processed. Sellers earn up to   A virtual garage sale app that
        you can offer discounts, com-  items. As a seller, you submit   80% of the purchase price.  is similar to Facebook Market-
        municate with potential parties,   your item(s) to Fashionphile and               place. You load your items to sell
        trade clothes, and more.  The   within 2 to 3 days you receive an   7. Depop      locally.  You generally meet in
        platform takes a 20% service fee   offer to buy. Once you accept   Depop allows you to buy and   person to sell your items.
        from each sale.            the offer and ship the items, you   resell unique fashion, includ-
                                   will receive your payment. Fash-  ing vintage and streetwear. Set   With so many possibilities
        2. ThredUp                 ionphile also offers a service   up your own account and start   when it comes to reselling your
        With  ThredUp, you request a   where your items can be picked   selling your clothing. Depop is   clothing and accessories, the
        cleanout bag on their site, and   up and priced at your home.   committed to building commu-  key is to find the best option for
        fill the bag with the clothing you                     nity, so this is also a great place   you. Want to avoid trips to the
        no longer want. Once ThredUp   5. Rebag - also an app  to  connect  with  other  people   post office and limit shipping
        receives the bag, they decide   Another high-end resale site.   passionate about circular fash-  fees? Listing on sites  with lo-
        on the price of the items, and   They buy, sell, and trade luxu-  ion.            cal pickup might be the way to
        you receive a percentage of the   ry accessories including hand-                  go. Want to reach a wider audi-
        sale. This is for the person that   bags, fine jewelry, watches, and   8. Facebook Marketplace   ence? The apps and online mar-
        doesn't have the time to price   small leather goods. Rebag does   As both a buyer and seller, it is   ketplaces can connect you to
        and ship each item.        all the work for you (you simply   one of the easiest ways to buy   the perfect buyers from around
                                   send  the  company  a  package   and sell your stuff locally. No   the country (and even around
        3. Tradesy                 of the goods you want to sell),   shipping is required. But they   the world!).
        Tradesy is a buy-and-sell mar-  rather than you selling them on   are beginning  to offer the op-  No matter which route you
        ketplace  for  fashion,  built  by   the site individually.  tion for the reseller to ship items.   take, choose to give your pre-
        and for women. Millions of peo-                                                   loved pieces a  second life. Be-
        ple use Tradesy to buy and sell   6. Vestiaire Collective - also   9. Vinted      cause  selling  the  clothing  col-
        pre-owned bags, shoes, cloth-  an app                  A comparable model to many   lecting dust in your closet (or
        ing, and more from top design-  A global marketplace for pre-  of the above platforms, you can   worse, that could be sitting in a
        ers. Similar to Poshmark, Trade-  owned luxury and designer   sell more than just clothing. You   landfill) is a great way to add ex-
        sy lets you select your own price   fashion. Use the easy listing   select your price, then have the   tra cash to your wallet and help
        (with you taking home up to   form, describe your item and   option to ship your items to the   the environment, too!
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