Page 54 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 54
Road Trip Anyone?
Article and Photos by Eva Redding
For me, there is nothing scenery. It is a year-round $22.00 per person admis- opened in 1930. From the
more exciting than hitting attractive destination near sion, you can leisurely stroll start, this hotel was set out
the open road! Perhaps it Phoenix and certainly a around to get an up-close to be the finest in northern
is the sense of space and popular place to escape the view of this natural wonder Arizona. Unfortunately,
freedom I feel when on the heat of summer. where space and earth once the property closed as a
road, or maybe it is experi- Our next stop was collided with an impact hotel in the 1950s and was
encing the unexpected and Winslow, AZ. This small so intense, it left behind a utilized mostly for admin-
unplanned. town situated on the crater of 550 feet deep and istrative purposes. Saved
Our latest road trip historic Route 66 became almost a mile wide. Com- from a near demolition,
took us from San Diego well-known thanks to The ing towards the Earth at an La Posada was purchased
through the vast open Eagles hit Take It Easy. astonishing 26,000 miles in the mid-nineties and
lands, deserts, and Indian Many visitors venture to per hour, you can’t help but an amazing journey of
reservations of California, this town in the middle of ponder what a sight it must restoration began. Today,
Arizona and New Mexico. nowhere to seek their own have been. Picture getting this enchanting hotel is a
Our main destination: Du- reenactment of the famous from Los Angeles to New symbol of an important
rango, Colorado. We spent song and to also stand on York in only ten minutes! place in time. La Posada is
the first few days of our trip the very same corner that After visiting this fascinat- more than just accommo-
visiting friends in Payson, placed this unassuming ing site, we headed to La dations — it is an eclectic
Arizona, which is a charm- town on the map. Posada Hotel (starting at art gallery and a living
ing home-spun mountain While in Winslow, we $139.00 per night) located museum. It is a treat for the
community full of incredi- also visited Meteor Crater in downtown Winslow. This senses to stroll through the
bly friendly people. Payson located on the outskirts of historic one of a kind prop- property and get inspired
area, also called The Rim town. It is the world’s best erty is not to be missed. As by the countless artifacts,
country, offers dramatic preserved meteor impact a Fred Harvey Company lounge in the gardens, or
views of the mountains, crater and definitely worth Hotel, located on the Santa dine in the fine Turquoise
wilderness, and picturesque visiting. After paying the Fe Railway, La Posada Room Restaurant. If you