Page 55 - SD Woman Digital Glace Ziperovich Issue
P. 55


        enjoy trains, you will be   quite a bit. Trees and green-  and gloves came out of the   many Native Americans
        delighted by the constant   ery became plentiful and   backpack within the first   that display their merchan-
        presence of freight trains   increased dramatically as   thirty minutes of the train   dise on the plaza.
        that slowly travel to their   we climbed in elevation all   ride. Once we arrived in   The next portion of
        destinations on the railroad  the way to Durango.     Silverton, about 9,300 feet   our trip brought us for one
        located directly behind        Durango is a charming   in elevation, warm clothes   night into Flagstaff, AZ
        the property. The hotel’s   town nestled in the San   came in even more handy.    and from there to our last
        overwhelming presence of   Juan Mountains and graced  Silverton is a picturesque   destination—The Boulders
        history and lingering spirits  by the Animas River. Its   former mining town sur-  Resort & Spa in Care-
        of the past make this place   vibrant downtown will   rounded by natural wilder-  free, Arizona. This well-
        a living, breathing gem.   welcome you with a wide    ness, making it a fun place   ness-based resort is taste-
           After spending the      variety of restaurants, shops  to visit, enjoy lunch, and   fully situated in the natural
        night in Winslow, it was   and a historic train station   stroll through the historic   settings of the Sonoran
        time to pack up and hit the   from which we departed   downtown before climbing   Desert. Its famous Spa is a
        road again! This time, our   on a steam-powered train   back on the train or a bus   welcoming treat, especially
        destination was Duran-     for our all-day adventure   to return to Durango for   after a long journey in a car.
        go, CO—nearly 300 miles    to Silverton, CO. This 3.5   the evening.              While there, you can relax
        away. This was by far the   hour train ride takes you     After two nights in     by the pool, take a yoga
        longest stretch of our road   through the heart of San   Durango, it was time to   class, indulge in a massage,
        trip, or at least it seemed   Juan Mountains—a perfect   head back to Arizona. This   meditate while walking
        like it. Traveling through   backdrop for one of the   time, we selected a differ-  the labyrinth, hang out
        endless miles of barren des-  most scenic train trips,   ent route, which took us   in a hammock or simply
        ert and desolate roads on   especially if seated in the   directly to the Four Cor-  reconnect with your senses.
        Indian reservations without  open gondolas. Traveling   ners Monument. It is the   This stunning, mostly adult
        any changes in scenery or a   this route in autumn is an   only place in the US where   property, is a photogra-
        sighting of a single person   added bonus, as the plenti-  you can proudly claim that   phers’ paradise. The resort
        can make you feel anxious   ful aspen trees unveil their   you have been in Arizona,   is inconspicuously nestled
        and vulnerable. Having a   deep gold foliage adding a   Colorado, New Mexico,     in the Sonoran wilder-
        reliable vehicle, extra water   stunning display of colors.   and Utah all at the same   ness, so quails, a variety of
        and food is highly recom-  If you travel in autumn,   time (be prepared to pay    birds, bunnies and other
        mended. Once we crossed    be sure to bring plenty of   $10.00 for parking). While   wild life are plentiful. I was
        the border from New        warm clothes. Since we     here, we strolled around,   fortunate to spot a javelina
        Mexico into Colorado, the   were seated in one of the   took photos and purchased   (type of peccary) from a
        scenery started to change   open cars, our hats, scarfs,   souvenirs from one of the   safe distance while loung-

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