Page 13 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 13

Women of Distinction

        resource for our community,   a day off.  My mom came   and DocuSign. These changes   feel like I'm missing out a little
        on all things related to funeral   down during that time to help   helped everyone to get through  bit with my son. I know my
        services. We also would like   with our kids and we just did   the worst of it.”  dad felt that way when we were
        to expand eventually, so we   whatever we could to serve   Megan handled the pan-  kids.  I can remember being in
        can serve the community even   families. Many funeral homes   demic so well that she was one   the middle of Christmas dinner
        better.”                   were telling families, that due   of 4 funeral directors featured   and he would have to go off on
           There are times when this   to COVID they could not view   in American Funeral Director   a call.  To combat this, I have
        business can overwhelm the   their loved ones.  We just said   Magazine (April 2021 edition)   put into place some third-party
        staff especially when it is a   No, if we can embalm and   highlighting her response to   help.  We have a calling service
        young person who has passed   disinfect, then you can see   COVID.                that answers our phones in the
        or the sheer volume that they                                                     evening, and a removal service
        must handle is more than they                                                     that helps us with bringing
        are accustomed to. Megan is                                                       loved ones into our care so we
        always keeping an eye on her                                                      are not doing it at all hours of
        staff to make sure they get the                                                   the night, weekends, and hol-
        self-care they need during                                                        idays.  It gives us a little break
        these times.                                                                      and helps with our work-life
           I asked Megan how they                                                         balance.  Which is especially
        survived the past two years                                                       important with young children.
        with COVID related deaths,                                                        I must say that my father was so
        which at times tripled their                                                      good at being such a present fa-
        normal amount of business.                                                        ther. Any of my siblings would
        “It was very stressful; we've                                                     tell you that dad was so inter-
        never seen anything like that.                                                    ested in anything that interested
        Initially panic set in.  I am                                                     his children. I loved singing
        part of an organization called,                                                   growing up, and he would buy
        ‘Selected Independent Funeral                                                     me karaoke machines or get
        Homes,’ which is an invitation                                                    me singing lessons. He would
        only organization that requires                                                   be at every single performance,
        a certain level of integrity and                                                  and I don't know how he did it,
        business ethics to belong.  You                                                   but each of my siblings feel the
        also have to be a family-owned                                                    same. Even with the demanding
        funeral home. My dad was                                                          job he had he was still always
        on their board years ago, and                                                     there for us.
        we've been a part of this orga-                                                      Megan and her siblings had
        nization for a long time. They                                                    a wonderfully close relationship
        were a wonderful resource                                                         with their parents. “I have my
        when COVID first hit, because   your loved one all you want.  I   I asked Megan what she   dad’s photo in my office, a big
        not only is there a forum   think in the beginning when   liked most about her job and   poster of it.  There have been
        where everybody can talk to   we didn't understand what   what she disliked.  “What I like   times when I look up at it and
        each other, share resources and   COVID was, or what was   most is helping people in their   just miss him so much, and
        together we helped each other   happening, it was understand-  hardest time. I think being able   there are other times when I’m
        to navigate through this whole   able because there was fear of   to be that resource for families,   overwhelmed, and I just look
        situation.                 transferring COVID from the   walking them through this   up at him and ask him why he
           We served close to 120   decedent to their family. As the   journey. This is going to be the   got me into this.
        families a month, where our   months went on, we realized,   hardest journey in their life.   Thankfully for the people
        normal average was 30-40. At   there's no known transfer from   It's the only time they are go-  of San Diego Megan came back
        the height of the pandemic,   one individual to another once   ing to lose this family member   to run the family business.  “I
        our mortuary was always full   they had passed.”      or friend. Being able to be that   love what I do and will always
        as was our crematory.  I am so   When the county limits   resource for them is, really a   do what I can to help families
        thankful that we didn’t have   restricted the size of gatherings   special thing. And I don't take   get through an extremely diffi-
        to turn any families away, in   to under 10 persons, we had   it for granted. They're trusting   cult time.”
        such a terrible time of need.    to get creative. I purchased   us to walk them through it.”
        Many funeral homes were    a tent to put in our parking   One of the hardest parts of   Alheiser-Comer Mortuary
        having to do that.  During this   lot so services could be held   being a funeral director is that   225 S Broadway, Escondido,
        time my sister and I worked   outside.  We had to get used   the job is 24/7. “ So, I would   CA 92025
        four months straight without   to using zoom, live streaming,   have to say that sometimes I do   (760) 745-2162

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