Page 17 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
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Women of Distinction

        cast “Overcoming  Working Mom Burnout”   Another point that Dr. Kerr expressed   I think being proactive is also important.
        where  she  shares  behavior  change  guide-  is that there are many different types of  In job interviews ask important questions,
        lines to help people work out how we can  burnouts.  “Yes, job burnout is recognized  for instance, inquire as to the number of
        make positive change. “I have to say that  by the World Health Organization but there  female managers within the company for
        many companies are trying to help with self-  is also parental burnout, caregiver burnout,  which you are interviewing.  I think when
        care benefits, providing access to coaches,  and  emotional  burnout,  which  I  believe  employers start hearing those types of ques-
        and apps to help their employees meditate  a lot of women of color experience.  They  tions from prospective employees, they will
        to alleviate the stress, but they need to do  are exposed to racial trauma and daily mi-  see the importance of a diversified staff.  You
        more. The thing companies could do to help  croaggressions. When it comes to parental  will  get  the  employers'  attention  because
        is to advocate for legislation for women, for  burnout, the research shows that countries  they will feel that the lack of diversification
        childcare subsidies, and paid leave.  I feel  like the US have higher rates of parental  in this manner will help them win over a
        that until we have more women who are  burnout because the philosophy is individ-  superb candidate. We are recently reading
        actually in the C-suite and become the de-  ualism. Our country's philosophy is to be  more and more about switching our work

        cision-makers much of this will not change.  independent, do it for yourself, and don't  week to a four-day model and remote work
        One of my podcast guests said it really well.  ask for help. Many other countries treat the  positions.  Pose these questions as well. “
        She believed that too many people see it as  upbringing of children as a family affair.  It   There is some encouragement and signs
        a pie, and if I give you a piece of the pie, then  takes a village to raise a child and when we  that things are getting better, but it is im-
        I get less of the pie. I think that is the con-  try to do it alone, we experience greater  perative to realize that this is an important
        cern for men feeling like if they give away  incidents of Mom or Parental burnout.  Re-  issue that needs change, and we all need to
        their benefits to women, then they're go-  search has shown that the US is at a disad-  take responsibility for helping to make that
        ing to lose out.  Instead, let's build a bigger  vantage from that perspective. “  change a reality.
        table and put more seats around it. I see so   I asked Dr. Kerr for some tips on what
        many women who make their way to that  women  should  look  out  for  to  help  avoid   To learn more, visit her website at
        table and discover the seats broken, and  burnout.   “The first suggestion I have if you
        their voice is still not heard. In some instanc-  are beginning to feel overwhelmed is to ask   Or listen to her podcast “Overcoming
        es, women are warning others, don't take a  for help.  I feel this is most important.  Ask   working mom burnout”
        seat at the table unless there's another seat  for help from everyone around you friends,   Her TEDx Talk will be on YouTube soon
        for another woman because you are going  family, and your employer. Ask your employ-  but contact her through her website and
        to need some support and solidarity in what  er to subsidize a coach because personal de-  she’ll send you a link when it is released.
        you're going to do.”                velopment is professional development.

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