Page 21 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 21

Women of Distinction

        tions.” So, in addition to what   she manages to find time to sit
        they were doing, WithHealth   on the Board of Advisors for
        became the go-to organization  the National Network Depres-     Two Versions
        for onsite COVID testing and   sion Centers. This is a network
        ensuring that all of the pro-  of the top academic institu-
        duction crew and talent were   tions that are working on solu-           of love
        COVID free, providing daily   tions for depression and other
        tests to protect everyone’s   mood disorders. “It really is a
        safety on set.             passion of mine. I have many
           The film industry contin-  friends that have struggled                  By C. F. Illingworth
        ued seeking out WithHealth   with this, so it is something
        through word of mouth and   that I'm very passionate about.
        because they stood behind   Mental illness is something      1. The first Version:
        their brand promise. “We   that we, as a society, need to    I walked up the granite stairs to the landing just outside
        were testing set designers   stop making a whispered word    the monastery where I was to unite with my fiancée. I
        and workers on set, and daily   and we need to really address   approached the Abby door. The immense twelve-foot
        testing talent that had to be   the problem. I volunteer for   front entrance was constructed of Dark English Sessile
        unmasked, because you can’t   this organization because I    Oak with a bronze speakeasy door sporting a grill for
        make a movie with a mask   think it is something that's ex-  the monks to converse with the callers. The fifteenth
        on.  We were well-equipped   tremely important.” (For more   century  door  was  hewed  from  three  trees  and  then
        to come in and support them   information on this organiza-  tenoned together. An impressive bronze knocker was
        through that process.”     tion please refer to the link at   placed eight inches below the speakeasy grill. The door
           When Omicron hit, we    the end of this article.)         handle was also constructed of bronze with a large
        saw how important it was that   I was fortunate enough to    latch. As I opened the foreboding ingress, I could feel
        we were able to report the   have the opportunity to spend   the massiveness of this impressive entrance.
        appearance of new variants.   time with Cindy and her two
        We decided to go one step fur-  beautiful girls, who were so   When I gazed ahead into the foyer, I could see my fi-
        ther.  We started offering free   endearing and so bright.  Cin-  ancée waiting for me with her hand resting on an ex-
        genetic sequencing of positive   dy is not only one of the most   quisitely built 16th-century Italian Credenza with fine
        patients if they desired it. This   brilliant women I have met,   inlayed  carvings on  the sides. This  exquisite piece  of
        allowed us to help sort out   which says a lot considering I   historic furniture was constructed with scented Span-
        which variant they had so we   have been interviewing women   ish Oak. As I gave my soon to be bride a peck on her
        could see how the different   for over 15 years and have met   cheek, I ran my trembling hand over this gorgeous re-
        variants appeared, and how we  a lot of women throughout     naissance buffet table next to the wall. It was all I could
        could best combat them.    my lifetime. I can honestly say   do to control my passionate exhilaration upon feeling
           WithHealth not only     that she is someone who saw       this incredible vintage masterpiece.
        works with productions, but   a problem and decided to do
        they assist sports teams and   something to fix it.  She cares   2. The Second Version:
        employers of all sizes to get   so much and so deeply.  Cindy   I excitedly sprinted up the granite stairs to the Abby
        their people safely back to   loves what she does, and it    door in anticipation of seeing my beloved fiancée. As
        work. Cindy strongly believes   shows. “I feel so honored and   I opened the large heavy entry door, I could see my
        that WithHealth is a solution   many days I just pinch myself   true love standing before me with her beautiful long
        that many employers need to   because I get to do the work   silky hair. Her face had a radiance that could light up an
        lower their overall healthcare   that I'm impassioned about.   entire room with her welcoming infectious smile. Her
        expense. Regardless of busi-  I do believe that we are all   eyes were as two shimmering pools of eternal passion.
        ness size, WithHealth can be   called upon to do something.   My heart began to pound as I cast my gaze on the love
        of service. Contact them and   The question is, can we silence   of my life and the angel soon to be my soul mate. She
        they will answer any questions   ourselves long enough to hear   was unquestionably the most beautiful creature ever
        you might have.  They are   what our calling is?                                                                                                       created. I rushed over to her and held her tightly in my
        experts when it comes to ac-                                 hungry arms, to be greeted by a gentle touch of her
        cessible, affordable healthcare   Contact Cindy at           hand on my neck. She yearningly gave me the most
        for your employees.               passionate kiss I had ever experienced. Our excited ela-
           Knowing Cindy, as I have                                  tion nearly knocked us over, if it weren’t for a little or-
        come to over the past few   If you suffer from depression    nate table by the wall that caught our fall. Ah, true love.
        weeks, I was not surprised to   or know someone who does
        find out that in addition to all   visit this site:
        the wonderful work she does,

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