Page 24 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 24
grateful to also be rewarded for tance of safety throughout the Regional Maintenance Center,
something I already love to do,” ship, especially in the engineer- where he served as the diesel en-
the first class engineman said. ing spaces.” gine technician lead.
The San Diego native current- In addition to his readiness At MPSRON 3 on Naval Base
ly serves as his command’s assis- role, Legaspi serves as a com- Guam, Legaspi works alongside
tant material officer. In this role, mand duty officer, which requires active duty and reserve person-
Legaspi tracks the readiness of 14 him to interact with all MPSRON nel and civil service and contract-
Military Sealift Command ships 3 ships’ masters and the staff of ed mariners, all of whom support
which support warfighters from Commander, Task Force 73. As a the MSC mission.
all of the U.S. Armed Services. duty officer, Legaspi tracks and “Working with MSC has defi-
These ships are prepositioned reports maintenance schedules nitely shown me its importance to
throughout the Indo-Pacific Re- and progress, the health readi- our Navy and other armed forces
gion, ensuring Army, Navy, Air ness of the squadron and tasking around the world,” Legaspi says.
Force and Marine Corps vehicles, preparedness. “I wanted to see a different
heavy equipment, personnel and “His reports are always ac- side of the Navy. This [MPSRON
supplies are strategically posi- curate and timely,” said Lt. Da- 3] job is unlike anything I’ve ever
tioned to support myriad mis- vid Jimenez, MPSRON 3’s senior done. It has afforded me the op-
sions. watch officer. portunity to take on responsibil-
“My job is important because Legaspi believes what he is ities I may not have gotten the San Diego resident
it gives a snapshot of the read- doing is making a difference -- chance to do until many years
iness of our ships. At any point and perpetuates a family legacy down the road.” participates in
in time, we know who is up and of service. In addition to his primary
ready to operate,” Legaspi said. “My father was a senior chief responsibilities, Legaspi vol- Marine Exercise
His area of responsibility is in the Navy, and three of my un- unteered to serve as the com- Philippines aboard
large, the operational tempo cles served as well,” he said. "They mand’s collateral duty diversity
high and the mission absolute- had no problem with me joining, officer. Born in Manila, Republic USS Essex
ly essential, but Legaspi says he but they cautioned me against of the Philippines, he says Guam
is no stranger to hard work and engineering. I guess they weren’t reminds him of his initial home. By Megan Brown, Navy Office of
doesn’t mind getting his hands sure if I could handle it. Guess it’s He enjoys observing the rich and Community Outreach
dirty. He inspects anything from just in my blood now. diverse culture on Guam and the
the massive diesel engines on the “Not only did I want to prove surrounding Northern Mariana MILLINGTON, Tenn. – A San
Lewis-and-Clark dry cargo ships to my family that I could do it, I Islands. In addition, Legaspi says Diego resident is participating
like USNS Sacagawea (T-AKE 2) also want to be a good example he was “fortunate” to be in Japan, in Marine Exercise (MAREX) Phil-
to examining damage control to my children. I work hard every where the food and culture in ippines aboard USS Essex, a U.S.
equipment onboard USNS Mont- day to show them that they can Sasebo opened his mind to duty Navy Wasp class amphibious as-
ford Point (T-ESD-1). He ensures achieve anything they work hard assignments outside the conti- sault ship
the rapid and able movement at and put their minds to. nental United States. Petty Officer 1st Class Ray-
of each vessel so they are ready “One thing that is great about “I am proud of my heritage, mond Paguiligan joined the Navy
when they are tasked. the Navy, you can join with noth- and I take pride in teaching the because of two influences.
In addition to inspections and ing on your back, and they will command about different cul- "One was a family relative that
tracking the readiness of critical clothe, train and educate you. I tures around the world and their joined the Navy recruitment days
engineering equipment, Legaspi have gained a lot since joining, significant contributions to our way back in Subic Bay Philippines
also trains civil service and con- and I am not finished yet. I want Navy,” he said. and my uncle who also served in
tracted mariners on how best to to see the world.” Other collateral duties in- the Navy," said Paguiligan.
prepare their ships for their Ship Legaspi joined the Navy in clude command relations coor- Today, Paguiligan serves as a
Material Assessment and Read- 2012 and first became interested dinator, Navy and Marine Corps Navy hospital corpsman.
iness Testing (SMART) Inspec- in the engineering department Relief Society representative, "The best part about my job is
tions, which take place every during his initial assignment on- assistant training officer and as- I get to work with the best medical
three years. He examines calibra- board USS Green Bay (LPD 20), sistant afloat environmental pro- service in the military, comprised
tions on meters and gauges and originally homeported in San Di- tection coordinator. When not of talented medical professionals
identifies discrepancies that can ego but later forward deployed to on duty or fulfilling one of his that provide the best health care
be corrected on propulsion and Sasebo, Japan. Legaspi reported official roles, Legaspi enjoys play- to our service members and ben-
auxiliary equipment, like air con- to Green Bay as a seamen recruit ing basketball and volleyball and eficiaries," said Paguiligan.
ditioning units or fuel systems. and left as a petty officer third watching football in his free time. On January 27, 2022, the U.S.
“From the smallest detail to class. During the Green Bay tour, He also volunteers for community Navy and Marine Corps began
the largest piece of equipment, he gained the requisite knowl- service projects in the local area. training with the Armed Forces of
Petty Officer Legaspi’s oversight edge needed to elevate himself “Petty Officer Legaspi is surely the Philippines as part of MAREX
directly impacts our ships’ mission from workspace watch rover to a model Sailor who always goes 2022 to further the maritime se-
accomplishment,” said Capt. John work center supervisor in his di- above and beyond,” Bub said. I curity capabilities of the U.S. and
Bub, commodore, MPSRON 3. vision. know he will continue to pursue the Philippines.
“Most importantly, at all Next, he returned to San Di- more responsibility throughout Paguiligan is proud to partic-
times, he drives home the impor- ego for a tour at the Southwest his career in the Navy.” ipate.