Page 46 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 46

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        products, deliver exceptional service, do-  14. TheraICE Rx              permint, spearmint, lavender, rosemary,
        nate cats to nursing homes as a means   Compression therapy is an inge-  eucalyptus, and chamomile. All the
        of comfort for patients, and donate   nious way of handling everyday pain   ingredients in this mix are USDA certified
        profits to Pet Partners International for   by combining the cool temperature   organic, vegan, and cruelty-free. Not to
        cat therapy programs. All these goals are   with compression to relieve swelling,   mention, this portable stick is easy to
        being achieved by her creation, Shady   speed recovery, and assist with all your   throw in your purse and have with you
        Cat. Shady Cat offers an outstanding line   aches.                       the moment pain strikes!
        of catnip and Silvervine products for   TheraICE products work by using    Start shopping for products that will
        your feline friends.                active compression which pushes excess   make a difference in your day to day, by
           The best choice you can make to   fluid out of the affected area, reducing   visiting
        impress your felines is the Shady Cat   swelling, and allowing in more healing
        Superb Sampler. This premium sampler   oxygen. Cold temperatures constrict   15. Zoo Snoods
        has three fan-favorite blends of catnip   blood vessels, effectively muting pain   Nowadays, we can’t just dress our-
        served in glass tubes. These tubes are   signals. TheraICE also prevents tissue   selves without making sure our furry
        set in a branded wooden base and the   damage by combating hypoxia- a lack of   friends are just as fashion-forward. Zoo
        flight comes with a sample size of Sil-  sufficient oxygen often caused by swell-  Snoods makes this a simple task by offer-
        vervine. Not only is the quality of these   ing and bruising.            ing animal-themed knitted goods which
        products impressive, but the packaging   The most popular product from   your pet can sport while keeping them
        is as well!                         TheraICE is their Headache Relief Hat.   warm.
           Another great option is the Premium   This signature product helps to mute   Traditionally, a "snood" is a wide ring
        Catnip & Valerian Organic Blend. Valerian   pain signals by using compression and   of knitted material worn as an ornamental
        is a widely used relaxant that is known for   cold therapy on the blood vessels in   hood or a scarf for women. A "Zoo Snood"
        its relaxing properties for both humans   your head. The heat therapy option then   is an animal-themed knit hood for dogs
        and animals alike. This blend is fantastic   relaxes muscles, melting tension into   (and cats, if you can get them to wear it).
        for any kitty, but it can really shine when   relaxation. This hat comes in Black or Pink   Zoo Snoods will keep your pet warm on
        given to cats with anxiety issues, fear, or   and provides 360-degree head coverage   those cold and wet days, and their ears
        behavioral challenges. You can choose to   in a flexible, form-fitting material, that’s   protected from mud and moisture. But
        have the blend in a 1.25-ounce bag or in   easy to clean.                most importantly, Zoo Snoods will make
        a tube. When using any of the Shady Cat   Our favorite design is the TheraICE Rx   your pet look more adorable than ever,
        blends, you should keep it in an airtight   Wrist Ice Pack. This product is an ideal ice   inspire laughter, cause smiles, and bring
        bag to keep it fresh. When the catnip   pack for hand and wrist injuries - espe-  about even greater feelings of love and
        is stored properly and kept away from   cially those sustained from long hours at   affection!
        sunlight, it can last a full year! Plus, these   a computer. The item is a stretchable, sin-  The moment you visit their web-
        blends are so potent that only a pinch   gle-piece, form-fitting, and reusable cold   site, the photos of happy, smiling pups
        will do for that playful euphoria your cat   hand wrap which soothes and supports,   dressed up like your favorite zoo animals
        deserves!                           without sacrificing mobility.        will warm your heart. These knitted
           To shop the full line of catnip from Shady   A great addition to your cart on   creations are more than just an accessory,
        Cat, or learn more about the business and   TheraICE Rx is their Headache Stick. This   they are a work of art. Our favorite Snood
        its mission, visit  stick holds an effective blend of pep-  is the Lion Zoo Snood which features a
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