Page 42 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 42
Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
The XL Wood Wick Half Shell Coco- 4. Cupcake Polish 5. Dexy Paw
nut Candle and Coconut Cup Candle Cupcake Polish offers a large selec- After years of working from home,
are works of art! The XL Wood Wick tion of vibrant color nail polishes, as we can attest to the importance of
Half Shell Coconut Candle is a coco- well as top and base coats. This wom- keeping our fur babies happy! When that
nut cream base with a wood wick that an-owned business caught our attention zoom meeting is active, there is nothing
comes in a real upcycled coconut shell. with its unique and fun holographic nail that can keep the pup calmer than a
This candle can float in calm water polishes. The colors are unlike anything proper plush toy. When we came across
with a ½ inch of buoyancy. This can- you will find in a big box store and are DexyPaws, we knew this website was
dle is dye-free and comes in over 50 handmade in small batches with close something we had to share. DexyPaws
fragrance options. You can also choose attention to detail and utilizing the finest offers a brilliantly curated collection of
the size from 4-8 ounces. The Coconut glitters and micas. These long-lasting high-quality goods, treats, accessories,
Cup Candle looks like a sculpture from polishes must be seen to be believed. supplements, and more.
your favorite home goods store. This We shopped the entire line and With a priority on American-made
candle is 10 ounces and comes in ¾ of a there was not one color we didn’t want! chew toys and treats, the selections are
coconut with premium soy and coconut The color we couldn’t keep our eyes off above anything you will find in your big
wax. Each of these is made right here in was “Nebula”. “Nebula” is a blue-green box pet store. One of our favorite items
San Diego! multichromatic tone with silver reflective is the Sodapup brand toy line. These
The best perk of living here must be glitter throughout. It's reflective and toys are American-made, durable, and
the ability to be outdoors the majority highly textured for that party glam vibe. eco-conscious. They stand by all the
of the year. This is something that Back- The best accompaniment to this iconic materials used and prioritize quality over
yard Candles recognized right away. Cupcake color is a signature topcoat and profit while building products that will
Their outdoor candles are the perfect base coat. Cupcake Polish’s Brightening withstand the test of time.
addition to your backyard. Offered in a Base Coat will be a great way to make Another DexyPaws offering is the
galvanized bucket, pail, or trough, these any color you choose pop when applied. Avocado Snuffle Mat. If you have not
candles include scent options Citronella Cupcake even has you covered with the purchased a snuffle mat before, this is
& Lemongrass, Mint, Lavender, & Cedar, needed tools for application with the something that you must try! This mat
and Bergamot, Rosemary, & Lemon. ability to purchase additional brushes. activates your pups’ natural instincts by
These backyard options will keep If you are looking to try multiple mimicking the hunter mentality. Treats
insects and bugs away while pleasing shades, while saving a few dollars, the are placed between the flaps of fabric and
your company with their enjoyable best choice is one of Cupcake’s bundles. your dog must find them using primarily
smell. If you are looking for a gift to These bundles provide a great way to their scent. The Avocado Snuffle Mat pro-
impress and delight, we can’t think of a test out which color is your favorite motes slow feeding, reduces stress, and
better idea than one of Backyard Can- while giving you a significant discount! stimulates the senses.
dles’ signature Gift Sets. Each monthly If you are looking for the perfect gift for Beyond all the fun items you can
set includes 5 - 5-ounce candles which your friend or daughter, their Gift Cards choose for your dog, there are also the
are the epitome of the season. are a great option. You can shop the necessities like leashes, collars, bowls, and
To learn more about this local brand, entire collection at apparel. Bungee leashes, slow feed bowls,
and shop all the candle offerings, visit Spend more than $60 and USA shipping signature apparel, and stylish collars is free! are just a small selection of DexyPaws'