Page 38 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 38

Women of Distinction

                                                  Dr. Gretchen Pound

                                                  Healthier Life Therapy

                                                                      By Judith A. Habert
                                                               Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                                            one therapy as well as workshops using in-  “Once I started taking my psychology
                                            tegrated techniques including EMDR, yoga,  courses, I knew right away that it was defi-
                                            meditation, and energy psychology.”  What   nitely something I was interested in. I don't
                                            I liked most to hear is that unlike many   know if you know anything about ADHD,
                                            other psychologists and psychiatrists her   but you can hyper-focus on something
                                            approach is a non-pharmalogical approach   when you have an interest in it. Once I
                                            that addresses the whole person rather than   found that passion, I immediately enrolled
                                            putting a band-aid on the symptoms.   in a psychology program, and got straight
                                                Dr. Gretchen Pound was born and   A’s I even made the honor society. I started
                                            raised in Hamburg New York, a suburb of   to get my confidence back. I was like, ‘oh, I
                                            Buffalo. From a young age, she struggled   actually can do this.’” She would graduate
                                            in school and never imaged she would one   with a degree in psychology and then felt
                                            day go on to earn a Ph.D.  She had no real   that this was not enough.  She relocated to
                                            direction on where her life would go.  She   San Diego to attend a graduate program
                                            later realized that what was keeping her   at what was then known as The California
                                            down was a learning disability, but that   School of Professional Psychology, Alliant
                                            knowledge did not occur when she was in   University today. Dr. Pound aced all of
                                            school.  She struggled to be a good student   her classes.  She decided that she wanted
           So many of us struggle with psy-  and often thought of herself as unintelligent   to go as far as she could in her field so she
        chological issues such as depression and   because things seemed harder for her than   earned a Ph.D. “Going from the child in the
        anxiety.  Quite often we do not really even   for most of her friends. “School was always   small classes to earning a Ph.D. was a great
        understand why.  This is where Clinical   a challenge for me, so I never really thought   accomplishment for me, and I do think that
        Psychologist Dr. Gretchen Pound steps   I could go to college. Neither of my parents   part of the reason that I decided to go even
        in and helps her patients get to the root   went to college so they didn’t push me to ei-  further in my education was to prove not
        causes.  For some of us, it could be a trau-  ther.” Dr. Pound was placed in smaller size   only to myself but to other people as well
        ma or even multi-trauma that may have   classes, but no one explained to her why   that I could do it.”
        occurred decades before it manifests itself   she was in these smaller classes, so it just   “Randy, my boyfriend at the time,
        as an obstacle that seems to be keeping us   made her feel that she wasn’t smart enough   drove cross country with me, in my little
        from moving forward and having a happy   to be in regular classes.       yellow Geo Tracker filled to the brim.  We
        and healthy life.  Where most psychologists   When Dr. Pound graduated High   did some backpacking in the Grand Tetons
        spend months or even years in sessions   School, she applied to a two-year business   where he surprised me with a marriage
        with their patients, talking through how   school and graduated with a two-year   proposal.  We got engaged and he head-
        they feel and what is making them un-  degree in court reporting. “It was really   ed back to New York. I rented a room in
        happy, Dr. Pound does more.  “My team   challenging. Thirty of us started and only   Ocean Beach and since I had no distrac-
        specializes in integrated psychology where   five of us ended up graduating. I did court   tions, I spent all my time focusing on my
        Clinical Psychology meets Eastern Philos-  reporting and hated every minute of it.   first year of graduate school.  The first year
        ophies.  We believe in healing the entire   It was not my thing, but I was good at it,   is always the hardest since this is when
        person.”                            and I was praised for it because I did make   they weed out those who aren’t going to
           Dr. Pound’s unique approach was   a lot of money for performing a job that   make it or aren’t serious. Along with help
        refreshing to learn about and when she   required so little education.” Determined   from my mother, Randy planned the entire
        explained the process, I suddenly didn’t   to find a life direction that she liked; Dr.   wedding.  I was engrossed in school, so I
        understand why all psychologists don’t   Pound decided to go on to get her bache-  told him what I wanted, and he took care
        use similar techniques. “Our focus is on   lor’s degree attending Buffalo University.    of every detail, except the dress.  I handled
        whole-person wellness that addresses phys-  Keeping her focus on law, since she had two  that.  I just went back to New York for the
        ical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual   years of education and worked in the field,   wedding.”
        needs by using holistic and transformative   she soon realized that the only classes she   Dr. Pound did great in graduate school
        approaches. We offer traditional one-on-  really enjoyed were her psychology classes.    and even managed to graduate having had

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