Page 33 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 33
Women of Distinction
second son, Luke, was born who coincidentally lives here lot of meaning into my life.” So, we have some programs
there. Rita continued teach- in San Diego. “She is a sur- I asked Rita to share with that run here locally as well,
ing and writing supplements geon and at that time she was us more about the mission of specifically with regards to
to their treatise. But they telling me about the interna- “My dear being able to provide appro-
really missed San Diego and tional travel she was doing to friend is now the Chief of priate mental health for these
decided to move back to the help children in low-income plastic surgery at Rady’s Chil- children that have physical
town they loved. “After living countries. She mentioned dren’s Hospital, so we work differences, particularly when
in San Diego, it is virtually that although she felt they closely with UC San Diego’s they are low income. It's a
impossible to move anywhere were doing a lot of good on Division of plastic surgery very complicated issue and
else. Also, Chicago with kids these medical mission trips, and with Rady’s Cleft Palate we're trying to work with
is not like Chicago when you she felt that often once they
are young and single.” Rita’s left after performing the
husband was working with needed medical procedures,
a firm that had offices in she felt that the patients
both Chicago and San Diego, were left without appropri-
so it was an easy transition ate follow-up care. So, at
for them. Shortly after they times, she believed they were
moved back their daughter, doing more harm than good.
Angie, was born. “She was When I heard of this situation
born with a pretty serious my response to her was, well
heart defect. So, at that time, let’s do something about this.”
I took a break because she That is exactly what Rita,
had to have open-heart and her friend Dr. Amanda
surgery when she was just Gosman did. They created
four months old. And going ConnectMed International
through this while having two ( “I put to-
other children to care for was gether the nonprofit, created
a very crazy and scary time.” the bylaws, and helped recruit
Thankfully, their daugh- the initial board. I was on the
ter came through it well and board for several years and we
by the age of two she was do- started to grow. We had our
ing better. Rita’s husband had fundraisers and worked hard
opened his own firm. “I start- to build up our nonprofit.
ed working part-time with After five years, the execu-
him. But I had still always had tive director we had in place
this social justice, nonprofit decided to retire and so I took
desire. I started educating over as executive director.”
myself in this area. To main- Rita was so passionate about
tain your attorney license, ConnectMed International
you must do continuing legal that no one would work
education every other year. harder or give more than she
It's a significant number of would. She understood the
hours, so I did all my CLEs on organization and the impor-
nonprofit law administration, tance of running the non- and Craniofacial Clinic. Our some other organizations to
formation, and management. profit like a business. “I took purpose is to improve access do a little bit of advocacy. But
At the same time, I volun- over in 2014 and have been to healthcare and improve it's tough to get mental health
teered for a board at my kid's the executive director ever and enhance the quality of life care or psychosocial care,
school, and I was working since. It's almost like a dream for children all over the world whether or not you have a
as a consultant with a few come true. I get to work with who have physical differences physical difference, especially
small nonprofits, as they were somebody who is a long-time, as a result of birth defects if you're on CCS - unless you
trying to get up and running. dear friend of mine, and we and traumas. Our work was are about to hurt yourself.
I would do their formation, can be very thoughtful and initially only abroad working These children need ongoing
their corporate papers, and selective about how we meet in low-income communities. preventative care.”
create their bylaws.” our mission and our objec- Then we realized that there I was surprised to learn
It was at this time that tives. We can be creative and are healthcare inequity and that yes, these children
Rita reconnected with a flexible and above all we can access issues even here in the need surgical care, but it's
friend of hers from Toledo be ethical. This really brings a US and here in San Diego. not just one surgery. Even