Page 34 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 34

Women of Distinction

            for something that seems   are selected by Dr. Aman-  education, advocacy fields,   Currently ConnectMed
            like a straightforward birth   da Gosman, President and   and autism community in   International works with
            defect, like a cleft palate, on   Co-founder of ConnectMed   San Diego.  “This is our way   their partner sites in Tijuana,
            average requires eight to   International.  She handpicks   of helping these children who   Ensenada, and Hue, Viet-
            ten surgeries to correct the   the surgeons and medical staff   cannot get the mental health   nam. They do believe that the
            defect.  It doesn't just involve   that travel the world on their   portion of the care they re-  greatest impact they make
            surgeries either. You need to   medical missions. Not only do   quire.  Having the opportunity   is through their Interna-
            consult with an orthodontist   they bring top surgeons and   to communicate with others   tional Scholarship Programs
            because the teeth don't come   support staff, but they also   who are going through similar   where they provide financial
            in normally and you have to   are preparing for the future.    situations makes the children   support, research support,
            consult with a nutritionist   “We always try to incorporate   feel like they are not alone.   and much-needed medical
            because sometimes, they have   education and training for the   Not only do they have camps   supplies to plastic surgeons
            trouble swallowing, and you   next generation of surgeons   in San Diego, but they also   who are practicing in low-in-
            have to consult with a speech   and healthcare specialists.    offer virtual camps for families   come countries. “One of our
            therapist because they can't   When we do outreach trips   across the US and in Mexico.    international scholars is in
            speak normally. All of these   we bring our best residents as   Camp Cosmos offers Day   Zimbabwe, and she is one of
            ongoing therapies, surgeries,   well, not only so that they can   Camps which run four hours   only three plastic surgeons
            and consultations throughout   have the surgical experience,   twice a year and are offered   for a population of over
            childhood are traumatizing.   but so they can enhance or   in-person and virtually. They   15 million. The amount of
            So ConnectMed doesn’t want   grow their cultural competen-  also conduct Horse Therapy   patients they treat is incredi-
            to wait until it becomes a   cy at the same time.”   Camps that are a weeklong   ble.  In Zimbabwe, they have
            big issue, they want them     These young doctors get   and focus on self-confidence   a disproportionate number
            to get psychiatric treatment   to see what it is like to practice   and self-expression. Every one   of facial burns, and we are
            throughout the process.   medicine in a small regional   of these programs helps build   funding and supporting her
               This is only part of what   hospital in Vietnam, where   self-esteem and facilitates con-  research looking into the
            ConnectMed International   they have maybe one 10th of   nections and bonding among   reason why there's such prev-
            does. “ We try to be different   the resources, that we have   these children who have suf-  alence of facial burns and also
            from your traditional medical   here. Likewise, our partner   fered similar fates throughout   how to best treat these burns.
            mission model that fly in and   doctors that we work with in   their young lives.  Our belief is by supporting
            fly out providing medical care.   Vietnam bring their residents   I asked Rita what it was   the people who actually have
            Presently we only do work   so they can be trained as well.   she loved most about her job.   boots on the ground, we can
            in a few countries where we   “They get hands-on experi-  “I have to say I'm one of these   have the most impact. Cur-
            have a formal arrangement   ence under top surgeons. By   people that actually love my   rently, we provide Interna-
            with a local hospital or clinic   doing this we are making sure   job. When I was practicing   tional Scholarships to doctors
            and healthcare providers who   that for years to come, even af-  patent law, each day was very   from Zimbabwe, Ethiopia,
            provide follow-up care after we   ter the current surgeons retire   similar to the next.  As the   Indonesia, and Argentina.”
            leave.  Our work in Tijuana,   and a new generation of sur-  Executive Director of Con-  ConnectMed Interna-
            for example, is easier, since it is   geons take over, ConnectMed   nectMed International, I never   tional is one hundred percent
            close enough that we can just   International will still be   know what a day will bring.  I   reliant on donations and
            go down there for a day, and   providing excellent care to the   can go from solving a budget   grants.  Click on the links
            there's always a team of health-  children who need us.”  crisis to writing a newsletter,   below for more information
            care providers there who then   In addition to the   to working with one of our   and to see how you can help
            can follow up with the patients   wonderful work they do   scholars in Africa, all in the   this amazing organization
            and tell us how they're doing.   internationally and locally,   course of one day. At the end   grow and flourish, so more
            And send them to speech   they provide Camp Cosmos   of the day, everything that I'm   children around the world
            therapy or nutritionists, or if   programs, their recurring   doing is hopefully making   can benefit from the wonder-
            they don't have speech therapy   psychosocial programs that   some teeny tiny, positive   ful work that they do every
            or nutritionists where they   provide positive, inclusive, and  impact”        day.
            are located we will then use   community-building events
            telemedicine so they can con-  and activities for children
            sult with our speech therapist   with craniofacial and other
            and nutritionist here. This is a   physical differences, and their
            much more sustainable model   families. There are recreational   Youtube videos:
            than just fly in, fly out.”  as well as therapeutic com-
               The medical staff that   ponents to these camps. They
            travels around the world   provide access to volunteer
            to help children in need   guests from the healthcare,

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