Page 36 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 36

Women of Distinction

              Isabella                               few writers that I have come upon   subplots.  It is just as amazing to me
                                                        Isabella is probably one of the
                                                                                     how she plays viola, violin, piano and
                                                     after decades of running a magazine
                                                     and a writing academy, who can so   cello.  I can't carry a tune in a bucket.”
                                                                                        Isabella is full of creative energy
                                                     seamlessly maneuver through multi-  which is seen not only within the
                                                     ple genres.  She manages to succeed   pages of her books, but she is a phe-
                                                     whether her stories are formed purely   nomenal stained glass artist, incor-
                                                     from her imagination or focused on   porating her work throughout their
                                                     some real time events.  Even the real   beautiful home.   Isabella also raises
                                                     time events are taken to levels that few  Koi fish in their backyard pond and is
                                                     can imagine.                    a gifted gardener. It is hard to imagine
                                                        No stranger to obstacles one   that one person can possess so much
                                                     faces, Isabella has faced many in her   talent and creativity, but Isabella
                                                     young life. At the age of 17 an illness   certainly does.
                                                     would change her life forever. “I suf-  Many authors study the art of
                                                     fered from throat cancer in my vocal   writing for years before undertaking
                                                     cords. I had no voice after the surgery   the daunting task of sitting down
                                                     and I have not taken to signing. So   and creating a masterpiece on paper;
                                                     writing became even more important   in Isabella’s case she is self taught.
              STEEL                                  general.”  Isabella was writing while   class. “I took a creative writing course
                                                     for my books and communicating in
                                                                                     Recently she decided to take a formal
                                                                                     to see what, if anything, I was missing.
                                                     recuperating in the hospital and has
                                                                                     I have actually learned more about
                                                     gone on to be a prolific writer since.
                                                        Isabella is so thankful for her
                                                                                     formal classes. My instructors said
                                                     family and friends and particular-  writing from other authors than
              By Judith A. Habert                    ly one person, the love of her life   I "took" to writing minus the gram-
                                                     who has helped her get through   mar.” Avid readers of her books have
                                                     her illness and has been a constant   voiced their feeling saying that her
                                                     source of support and inspiration   books follow in the traditions of Anne
                                                     to her.  “Bonnie and I were a couple   McCaffery and JRR Tolkien. Isabella
                        Sometimes we select our di-  in high school. We met at a Dairy   views this as a great honor to be com-
                     rection in life and other times the   Queen in Oceanside.  She was short   pared to such literary icons.
                     direction is chosen for us.  When   a quarter, and I gave it to her citing   Many writers suffer from writer’s
                     Isabella Steel started writing a novel,   one requirement.  I told her she would  block and feel the frustration of won-
                     she didn’t know that it would be just   have to take my phone number.  She   dering from where their next (or even
                     her first of many to come.  She soon   called me a week later and we have   first) great idea will come.  Isabella
                     realized that this was her calling and   been together ever since.”  It was her   has no shortage of ideas and is always
                     her first book became two, then three,   love and support that has gotten her   working on her next book project.  “I
                     and at present count she is up to five   through some hard times. “ When I   am always looking for ideas, doo-
                     novels.  An impressive accomplish-  got sick with cancer we got married   dling and scratching down notes.
                     ment for such a young woman. I   with our parents' permission.”  As if   Most recently, I watched a show
                     asked how she felt when she held her   the loss of her voice was not traumatic  about satellites and came up with a
                     first published book in her hand. “It   enough Isabella faced the loss of her   storyline about how all the satellites
                     was THRILLING.  I was so happy to   parents to an auto accident shortly   around earth are destroyed and the
                     be able to hold it in my hand.  I went   after her surgery. Through all of this   consequences for everyone.”  Lookout,
                     a little nuts and ordered a hundred   Bonnie has been by her side, “She is   that may be the plot of an upcoming
                     copies for myself to pass out and send   my rock, a cellist and so creative.  Dad   novel!
                     out to reviewers.”              took excellent care of me (and her)   I asked Isabella What advice she
                        One of the most unique qualities   financially, allowing both of us to pur-  would give to someone who wants to
                     that Isabella possesses is the ability   sue our passions.”  Their relationship   follow a similar career path? “Write
                     to write in multi-genres.  Though she   is one full of love and support.  I asked  for yourself. Pay attention to your
                     admits, “I have the most fun writing   Isabella how Bonnie feels about her   craft, there is a lot to learn in getting
                     fantasy and Political thrillers. The   career choice. “She loves the fact I am   that story out of your head and on
                     fantasy genre is of greatest interest.    doing something I love. It is amazing   pages for readers. Use grammar tool
                     My book, False Dragons, was a ton of   to her that I can focus for so long, bal-  such as ProWriting Aid. Talk to other
                     fun and labor of love.”         ancing the characters, storylines and   authors, they have tricks and info

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