Page 31 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 31

The Pause

                                                                            By Marymichelle Lotano

             here are two times in a   period in a woman's life that   cumvent any of the natural   The key is to be open to
             woman's life when she   can create isolation from her   and physical happenings.  moments of peace of mind
        Tno longer has control     new baby, her family, and      Yet a woman will expend  and balance of the body
        over her body; pregnancy   her love.                  an enormous amount of       by trusting in herself and be-
        and menopause. With preg-      Menopause is the same   energy trying to live as if   lieving in the natural order
        nancy, she is growing a body  but different, as it comes   nothing is happening to her.   of life; as each phase comes
        for a beautiful soul who   with a lifetime of expe-   She will continue to attempt   and goes as intended.
        has chosen her to be their   riences and learnings to   to meet the physical, emo-
        mother...simply amazing. In   support its presence. With   tional, and psychological de-
        menopause, she is trans-   menopause, the shifting of   mands of children, spouses,   Author’s Note: This article
        forming the years of her   hormones comes at a time   lovers, and employers as if   is dedicated to my best
        personal growth and wis-   when life is vibrant and   she is status quo. But she is   friend, Paula, who passed
        dom into a maturity that will   interesting, and busy. Yet,   not. And when she fails, she   away in September 2021
        carry her through until she   partaking in the daily activi-  is disappointed in herself   after a short and very
        returns Home. The Grace of   ties of family, work, exercise,   and those around her feel   invasive experience with
        each is separate and similar;   nutrition, and relationships   slighted by her lack of atten-  cancer. She was my rock
        necessary and significant;   becomes effortful, exhaust-  tiveness and engagement.  and now she's my angel.
        but not easy.              ing, and disconnected. Once    It is a conundrum         We met when we were two
           For many women preg-    again a woman finds herself   unique to women that       and now fifty-five years
        nancy is a time of joy and   in a place of isolation and   society, employers, fam-  later she is gone. But these
        ease, for some, it is a time   fatigue and an endless cycle   ilies, and friends cannot   issues that all women
        of great discomfort and for   of physical, mental, and   fully understand or share in.   struggle with, which are
        more than we know, the     emotional discomfort.      Instead, her path forward     so hard to share, I shared
        after effects of the hormone   The two stages of life   requires her to maintain an   with her; every week over
        shifts can cause a sense of   teach women some very   understanding of the tem-     the phone, for at least an
        depression and fatigue that   simple realities; she is not in   porariness of the situation,   hour, and a million text
        cannot be outrun by con-   control of the most natural   the knowledge that in time   messages in between.
        ventional methods. Time    and gracious parts of living;   all will be well again, and a   She was my person. From
        stands still for her while   she cannot simply decide   willingness to let her body   toddlers to menopause...
        the days and nights loom   that she does not feel the   "be" by allowing rest when     I hope this article
        ahead, endless and lonely   effects of either experience,   rest can be attained, reflec-  will bring some sense of
        and experienced in a state   she cannot change what is   tion when feelings are raw,   validation and comfort to
        of listlessness. And while in   transpiring, and there are no   and to have patience with   all women.
        time it does right itself, it is a  choices she can make to cir-  herself.

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