Page 54 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 54
By Stephanie Lee
The sun was shining made sense to take the myself before my client About an hour later now” urge so it seemed I
in a bright blue sky. The train. Parking was ridic- appointment. I was dressed, very well could probably hold it for
temperature was in the ulously expensive, and It took real finesse to put together I might 45 minutes or so.
mid-seventies and it was driving in traffic could be work out the just-right add, and heading out the After my 10 minute
a perfect day. I was on my so stressful. schedule for arrival at door. Suddenly I felt the drive to the BART station,
way from Oakland to see Over breakfast I these client visits. None- beginnings of an urge I discovered I didn’t have
a client in San Francisco thought about what I theless, I was quite proud to pee. Since I’d already a ticket for the train. Usu-
and thought I’d take the wanted to wear and how of my skills in calculating locked the front door, ally, I carried a ticket in
BART train to get there. much time I needed to the perfect time frame the thought of all I’d my wallet, but not today.
That’s Bay Area Rapid allow myself to get to my needed to get dressed have to do to go to the Since I hadn’t factored
Transit although some- appointment. The “what- and get to my appoint- bathroom seemed like a ticket-buying into my
times “Rapid” is a bit of a to-wear” was easy; I liked ment on this perfect day. major inconvenience. I’d exact timing, I was be-
misnomer. This was the to dress up and wear Did other people have to unlock the door, ginning to panic. Fortu-
late eighties and BART professional attire so my spend this much time go back upstairs to the nately, I had some small
was still in its infancy closet was full of pieces working out the details of bathroom, undress, pee, bills for the machine, but
working out the bugs. like that. their daily activities? I de- get dressed again, and now I had to rush. Fortu-
Normally it would One of the negatives cided they must; other- freshen up before I could nately too, there was an
take about 30 minutes of using public transpor- wise, we would all always leave. available ticket machine
on the train to get from tation is not being able be late for everything. No No, that just wasn’t without a line.
the East Bay, where I to control your departure need to concern myself going to work. This little Unfortunately, the
lived, to downtown San and arrival times. I want- with the possibility that adventure was not fac- ticket machine wouldn’t
Francisco. Since my cli- ed to be early enough to I might be exhibiting tored into my carefully take my dollars. I
ent’s office was just a be on time, but not so obsessive-compulsive laid-out planned sched- stretched, pulled, rolled
short walk from one early that I’d have to find behavior, or some other ule. Besides, I hadn’t felt and unrolled, folded, and
of the BART stations, it something to do with condition. Right? the “have to go right unfolded my bills until