Page 56 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 56
Women's History
San Diego
Woman Magazine Style
At San Diego Woman In 1980, a consortium of authorizing the President to 2006: San Diego Woman
Magazine we clearly view women’s groups and histo- proclaim March of each year Magazine is started by three
every month as Women’s rians—led by the National as Women’s History Month. San Diego Women (Okay, it
History Month, as we are Women’s History Project Since 1995, each president might not be the highlight
focused on the many accom- (now the National Women's has issued annual proclama- for all women, but it was for
plishments our local women History Alliance)—success- tions designating the month these three!)
achieve for their families, their fully lobbied for national of March as “Women’s Histo-
town, and the World. Since recognition. In February ry Month.” 2007: Nancy Pelosi became
March is the official Women’s 1980, President Jimmy Carter So this is how it all be- the first female Speaker of the
History Month, we have to issued the first Presidential gan, but let’s look beyond the House
give special praise not only to Proclamation declaring the origins of Women’s History 2008: Sarah Palin becomes
our featured women but the Week of March 8th, 1980 as Month. Since our magazine the first Republican to run
women who raised them, the National Women’s History began, 15 years ago, we have for vice president
aunts who played with them, Week. His proclamation in been highlighting women
and the sisters who stood by part stated, “From the first who have made a difference. 2009: Nancy Lieberman
their side encouraging them settlers who came to our This issue is no different becomes the first female head
along the way. shores, from the first Amer- than the many before, but we coach of an NBA-affiliated
March was designated ican Indian families who wanted to say thank you to all team
Women’s History Month by befriended them, men and of the women who have been 2010: Kathryn Bigelow be-
Presidential Proclamation. women have worked togeth- part of our publication over comes the first woman to win
The month is set aside to er to build this nation. Too the years. the Academy Award for Best
honor women’s contributions often the women were unsung We also couldn’t help Director
to American history. Wom- and sometimes their contri- but highlight the accom-
en’s History Month began as butions went unnoticed. But plishments that women have 2011: Three women are
a local celebration in Santa the achievements, leadership, made since the magazine awarded the Nobel Peace
Rosa, California by the Edu- courage, strength, and love of started! Prize
cation Task Force of Sonoma the women who built Ameri-
County California back in ca was as vital as that of the
1978. Leave it to California men whose names we know
to honor women! The follow- so well.”
ing year the concept caught Subsequent Presidents
on across the country and continued to proclaim a Na-
many states proclaimed the tional Women’s History Week
week of March 8th, corre- in March until 1987 when
sponding with International Congress passed Public Law
Women’s Day, as a week of 100-9, designating March as
celebration in honor of the “Women’s History Month.”
many accomplishments Between 1988 and 1994,
of women throughout our Congress passed additional
country. resolutions requesting and