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P. 53
Women of Distinction
lated money was invest in buy my system, how much lives for the better. Not to and CBD oil. I’ve had to COO. I work with clients to
another property. Because would you pay for it?” The selfishly take advantage of learn to adjust to my new help them leverage what
investing made me mil- response was that they this gift that I have, but to norm. We need to realize they have. There’s so much
lions. I knew it was a long were willing to pay a thou- leverage it to support other that we go through many money all around us and
game, not a short game. sand dollars. And her fol- businesswomen and men. different phases in our lives. most entrepreneurs have
It had worked for me over low-up question was, how I’ve made millions, I’ve lost And who we were then never learned to leverage
and over and over again. many of you in this room millions. I’ve raised my chil- might not be who we are it. I teach them that the key
Teaching at the Million- would pay a thousand dol- dren. They’re both very suc- now. We need to accept is always to build a business
aire’s Forum put Dr. Susie in lars for this? About 25 peo- cessful businesswomen in that we may not be the that they can sell. Most en-
front of all types of profes- ple raised their hands. She their own right. My daugh- same, but we can be just trepreneurs own a job even
sionals, and after hearing calculated it and realized ter Amanda is an equity as good or even better. I’ve if they’re doing millions,
her story, many asked her if that in 15 seconds, she had investor in San Francisco, realized that I can’t produce they own a job. There’s no
she would do one-on-one made $25,000. and Megan is a medical es- like I did before. I used to be freedom in owning a job.
coaching with them. These “At that moment, I thetician in San Diego and on a plane every weekend; The freedom is having
were individuals in various didn’t know how I was works with some famous that was my life before, but something that you can at
fields. There were doctors, going to create the prod- clients. They’re both amaz- that’s not my life now. any point in time sell. Dr. Su-
lawyers, and C-level pro- uct—I didn’t know how I ing moms. And I look at that Dr. Susie shared with sie is a prolific author, hav-
fessionals. She hesitated at was going to produce 25 and know that I did my job.” me a conversation she had ing written ten books, with
first, afraid that not know- of them—but I did it. I told In all aspects of Dr. Su- with her husband, Dan. “I her latest one published by
ing their specific business- the audience I needed six sie’s life, she has not let life said, Honey, I’m going to be Simon and Schuster, enti-
es would be an issue, and weeks to fulfill the request get her down, and if it did, in my HOE phase going for- tled Power Your Profits. It
then she realized. Money is because I was going to have she pushed through and ward. I’ve never had a HOE tells her story of how she
money, so there was no rea- to create it, especially for made it better than it was phase. I’ve always focused built ten multimillion-dollar
son that she couldn’t teach them. To my surprise, they previously. Aside from the on my kids. I’ve always been companies.
another individual regard- said they didn’t care; they ups and downs in her per- working to improve my In closing, I asked Dr.
less of what field they were would wait.” That evening, sonal and business life, she business. I’ve always done Susie if she had one thing
in. Her business started to I went home to my partner was involved in some very everything for everybody to say to women who are
grow, and she was able to and announced as I walked serious car accidents. The else. He looked at me and struggling in business. And
increase her fees and as in the door, “We have just last one was so serious that said, ‘Okay, what does that maybe even personally,
they say, the rest is history. made $25,000. He looked her surgeon told her she mean? I told him Happiness since she has gone through
Soon, Dr. Susie was get- up at me quizzically and might never walk again. Over Everything. That’s my that turmoil a few times. I
ting businesspeople want- said, “How did you do that? She sustained injuries that new motto.” asked her what would be
ing to buy her system, and I told him I sold my system. required back and neck sur- What does that mean the one thing you would
she said sure, not admitting He said, “We don’t have that gery. for Dr. Susie? Is she still tell them? She responded, “I
she didn’t have a structured for sale.” And I said, “We do “I looked at the walker, working to help people would tell them that wealth
program to sell. Like every- now!” and I looked at the doctor, grow their businesses? “Yes, is our birthright. It’s not for
thing else she attempted, “I believe that my gift and I told him, ‘I will not be but now I am a fractional some of us; it’s for all of us.”
she knew she could figure from God is my life. My using this. I will use it now,
it out and build it, and so responsibility and my gift but I will not be using this To learn more, pick up Dr. Susie Carder’s book
she did. back to God is what I make long term.’ I did my physi- Power Your Profits by clicking on the link below
Standing up on stage of my life? How I impact cal therapy, but I’m still in
in front of 300 people. Dr. my community? How I am excruciating pain mostly Visit her site at:
Susie queried her audience. impacting my tribe, my every day. But I manage it Or visit : Amazon Audible
She asked, “If you were to children’s, and my friends’ through exercise, massage,