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        the largest one in all the world continues   date back to the 15th century. Located in   a constant reminder of the reason for the
        to rank as one of our favorites.     the Old Town of this charming city, tradi-  celebration in the first place.
                                             tional huts line the perimeters and fill the
        Officially known as the Rathausplatz   centers of the squares. Both the distinctive
        Christkindlmarkt, this market is an Austri-  starry sky lighting that hovers over the   While we spent the majority of our time in
        an icon that dates back to the 18th cen-  markets and the regular pealing of church   Switzerland and Austria, there are Christ-
        tury and is located near Vienna’s historic   bells only adds to the sensory overload of   mas markets throughout Europe. If you
        City Hall and attracts nearly three million   the aromas of fresh baked goods, mulled   decide to spend a Christmas holiday in
        visitors each holiday. One hundred booths   wines, and other delights.    Europe for the first time, here are some
        lead up to and surround the often bustling                                things to keep in mind.  The first is that
        ice rink, and the neighboring park is dec-  While  each  of  the  Christmas  markets  we   most markets generally open at the start
        orated with elaborate festive lights as are   visited  has  its  unique  appeal,  there  are   of Advent, which is December 1st and will
        so many of the neighborhoods in  Vien-  several  things  they  all  have  in  common.   remain  open until  Christmas. Some will
        na. The unique background of City Hall’s   Even the casual observer cannot overlook   remain open until the New  Year. Online
        Gothic towers gives this market a charm   the strong family ties that exist among the   schedule  information  is  readily  available.
        of its own. One can spend hours circling   generations as the local residents partici-  Depending on the city, some markets
        through the booths filled with handmade   pate in long worn traditions.   will be heavily visited, so plan according-
        items,  nativity sets, and other religious                                ly. While we prefer to visit markets on our
        mementoes, ornaments, and a variety of   Despite the heavy consumption of gluh-  own schedule, market tours are available
        culinary delights.                   wein, glogg, and other customary liba-  which might accommodate a brief stay in
                                             tions, in and around the markets, everyone   a particular city. In any event, you will not
        Not to be outdone, the Christmas mar-  is able to enjoy the moment and remain   be disappointed. The only thing missing
        kets in Salzburg can be stiff competition   well behaved. Finally, in every market   on this trip was a little snow which arrived
        for  those  in  Vienna.  Its  premier  markets   one will find a wide variety of nativity sets   shortly after we returned home. Maybe
        in Residenzplatz and Cathedral Square   and other religious symbols that serve as   next time!

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