Page 38 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 38
Your Best Life
By Diana Vahedi
t seems like everyone today is a guru our teeth more often and repeated the watching Netflix, while wearing the same
when it comes to leading a happy and phrase, “I am good enough” in the mirror comfortable, black yoga pants almost every
Ihealthy life. They know what to do to as soon as we woke up in the morning. day, showering and washing my hair a lot
help you find that one and only soul mate There’s lollipops with laxatives in them that less often and not even wearing lipstick (I
you’ve been searching for your entire life, will help you lose weight, gummy bears never leave the house without lipstick!) I’ve
to landing that dream job!!! They know that promote hair growth, fit teas to make had an epiphany. I’ve actually had many
what to do to help you have the most mind us fit, but actually destroy our intestines epiphanies, but the most important one is
blowing sex and they can even advise you and let’s not forget my all-time favorite, the no amount of pills, fit teas, hair loss gum-
on what to do to make everyone love you. skechers sneakers that firm and tone your my bears, or self-help books are going to
You wanna be happy, do these five things butt while you walk. Just lace up and firm create your best life. That comes from what
every day when you wake up? You wanna up and you’ll be bootylicious in no time. you have on the inside. It comes from in-
be successful? Stop making to do lists and Remember that saying, if it’s too good to be ner strength, self-confidence and above all
think positive thoughts. They can even true……….? else, resilience. those are your magic elixirs.
tell you the best ways to get rid of stretch The media has always bombarded us That comes from realizing that life is going
marks, age spots, baby pooch, wrinkles, with these kinds of messages since the ad- to throw you curve balls from time to time
fine lines, varicose veins, skin tags, bloat- vent of radio back in the day. Heck, soap and you need to keep swinging. Life is go-
ed belly, and flabby thighs. Heck, there’s a operas were mini skits to get you to buy ing to throw you down to the ground and
guru for everything. Pop a pill, say a prayer, soap and now Luke and Laura’s wedding try to beat the shit out of you, but you still
join hands and sing kumbaya. Just follow on General Hospital is the most popular get up and keep moving forward. As Rocky
these steps to live your best life. Can I get in soap opera history. And, there’s a line of would say, “That’s how winning is done!”
an amen. Dove body wash to keep your skin, silky Once you hit rock bottom, use that as your
Sorry, I got a little carried away there. smooth for your man!!! They mold our foundation to build yourself up. Your best
But, what does that really mean? What is minds as a sculptor molds and plies his clay life is not out there in the pages of Cosmo
your best life? The media plies us with all into a desired shape. This is what you need magazine or on Dr. Phil’s stage, it’s inside of
these professionals, life coaches, and let’s to buy, to do, to wear, to say to have your you, within your reach. Be brave, be bold,
not forget, Dr. Oz dictating what needs to best life. Just do it! Ooops, I just stole Nike’s be daring, be best. But don’t be afraid to
be done in order to be, well, perfect and slogan. create your version of your best life. Now
happy. It’s as though all of our problems As I have spent the last three months I have to go and make some fit tea for a
would magically disappear if we whitened in quarantine lying on the couch binge friend of course.