Page 37 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 37
While waiting in line, how- Blue Lantern Hotel
ever, you get an excellent view
of the architecture including AN AFORDABLE LUXURY BEACH HOTEL
the thousands of holes from By Deanna Bates
the iron clamps that used to
hold the stones together. The Photos courtesy of Deanna Bates
iron clamps are long gone, but
the holes are a testament to fter months of covid slice of heaven, the nearby
the Roman’s superior building Ainduced hibernation harbor shops and restaurants
skills. Once inside, there are and numerous trip cancella- offer a great destination for
numerous plaques that explain tions, my husband and I were an afternoon of wandering or
the history of the Colosseum desperate to experience a safe an evening meal. The front
as well as models that give you weekend away from home office staff has menus available
a better idea of what it looked for our wedding anniversary. and recommendations for
like during its glory days. There We immediately thought of anything you want to do in
are some artifacts exhibited as the Blue Lantern hotel in the area during your stay. If
well as Latin inscriptions. The Dana Point, California. A you choose, as we did, to enjoy
highlight of the visit is when you Four Sisters hotel, this Inn is this romantic destination by
enter the arena where mighty part of a small grouping of staying mostly at the hotel, the
Gladiators fought to the death hotels along the California other amenities available in-
and Christians were slaughtered. Coast, (as well as Hawaii and clude onsite spa treatments, a
It is hard to believe that the Col- Mexico). Less than two hours fitness center, and bicycles for
osseum could once seat 50,000 away from San Diego, this exploring the beautiful coast-
to 80,000 people and supposedly Inn blends modern luxuries line. Blue Lantern Inn was
had a retractable roof. In fact, and the services of a small, featured on The Today Show
the arena was often filled with boutique hotel with the tradi- as one of the most affordable
water for reenactments of cer- tional amenities of a Bed and beach resorts. If you can get
tain sea battles. So much of the Breakfast. away during the week you will
interior has been preserved that Tucked into a small cul- get the best prices, but be sure
you can almost hear the roar of de-sac on a side street in Dana and ask for any special rates or
the ancient crowds as Caesar Point, it offers stunning harbor packages that are being offered
held a warrior’s life literally in views and a casually elegant on your dates. guests. This romantic south-
his hands as decided whether atmosphere for its guests. Blue Lantern Inn turned ern California destination is a
or not to hold his thumb up or From the moment you out to be the perfect getaway perfect antidote for pandemic
down. The construction and ar- enter the lobby with the gas for us. We were impressed by fatigue. Book your stay with
chitecture are so interesting that fireplace flickering, you feel the safety and sanitation pro- the friendly and knowledge-
you can get lost in looking at all the stress of the outside world cedures that were in place to able staff, and be prepared for
the fine details of how this site melt away. The beautiful both protect and to provide a the relaxation to commence!
was constructed. Below the sub- guest rooms feature luxurious luxurious experience for their
floor, one can catch a glimpse mattresses you can sink into,
of the secret passageways that cozy reading chairs and gas BLUE LANTERN INN
were used to lead animals and fireplaces. The large spa like 34343 Street of the Blue Lantern Dana Point, California
gladiators into the arena. What bathrooms have jetted tubs 949-661-1304,
looks like a large stone struc- where you can soak away the
ture from the outside holds an outside world. Be sure and
enormous wealth of history and request a balcony room so Great Nearby Getaways
memorabilia of the glory days of you can relax and gaze at the One of the great advantages of living in San Diego is the
Rome inside. harbor dotted with sailboats ability to get away to the mountains or the desert in a mere
Despite the long lines, the against the horizon. Guests are two hours.
Vatican Museums and Colos- treated to a delicious breakfast If you want a desert retreat check out 2 Bunch Palms
seum are definitely two must delivered to their room and an
sees in Rome. These structures afternoon wine and cheese box For the Idyllwild area, check out Idyllwild Inn-in the heart
have been there for centuries that can be savored in your of downtown Idyllwild where you have a choice of rooms
and will continue to delight fu- room or taken out to enjoy in or cabins or the Creekstone Inn
ture tourists. Thus, this is why the Dana Point area beach or with charming private rooms in a hotel setting with great
Rome is and always will be the park areas. For those that want communal areas to gather by the fireplace.
Eternal City. to venture away from this little