Page 32 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 32
Women of Distinction
United We Cook
By Carol Heath
cookbook. Then she could that it came from Texas, sending out the emails,
compile these recipes, put San Francisco or New York talking to the chefs, getting
them together in a file you I wouldn’t give it a second the recipes, putting them in
could download, charge for thought but Texas! Rolling a Pdf file, opening the bank
this little cookbook, and on we have Gadabout’s accounts for the proceeds,
send the proceeds to the Pumpkin Hummus from doing the bookkeeping,
participating restaurants. Chicago, also from Chicago, sending out the checks, and
Sometimes good small ideas there is Mott Street Korean now she is marketing her
explode into fantastic big Chili-Kansas City style Dry baby. Ahh, did I forget to
ideas. Rub Tri-tip with Chinese Hot tell you that the $28.00 price
So, you cleaned out Nadia’s idea grew into Mustard & White Nectarine goes in a bank account and
your kitchen, rearranged a cookbook with recipes Dip, from Mott’s. And let’s is divided between all the
your closet, and even start- from some 100 independent wash all these delicacies participating restaurants
ed reading that best seller, restaurants including 37 US down with some Frozen and food banks, and yes
kudos for you. How about cities, representing 24 states. Bourbon Milk Punch from Nadia does it all. I take my
this – you spend countless This is not your typical New Orleans. hat off to you my new friend
hours researching and then cookbook as it features 23 When I had the oppor- and Bon Appetit!
emailing 100’s of restau- different cuisines along with tunity to speak with Nadia, I love the way Nadia
rants. Then answers to your a sprinkle of some remark- she was very gracious about formatted the book, first
emails begin to trickle in ably interesting cocktail sharing the ingredients, she quoted a notable figure.
and before you know it you recipes. Fine dining, as well whipping and blending Then separated by cities
are spending hours and as some mom and pop spe- them together, to ultimately and states, each restaurant
hours on the phone. These cial little gems are included produce this one of a kind has a small write up that
phone calls begin to pro- in this labor of love. Some book. Nadia seemed to be they offered, along with a
duce mountains of paper of these recipes are from completely oblivious that good-sized color photo, and
with thousands of words. award winning chefs, who she accomplished some- of course the recipes. And
This is how Nadia Mashar graciously shared their cu- thing amazing; it was like finally the icing on the cake,
spent the latest lock down linary delights. This unique all in a day’s work. And every once in a while Nadia
due to that thing we now downloadable Pdf, full of speaking of work, Nadia has gives us what she calls FFF,
call Covid-19. Well buckle recipes from New York to led a successful Finance and which are little facts about
up, because it looks like San Francisco, San Diego Investment firm for some food, i.e. loud music makes
we are about to go around to Atlanta, and some in 13 years. She is the founder you eat more and faster;
for a second lock down, between will never appear & Managing Partner of Honey is the only food that
which means no candlelight together again. Ouro Partners, whose will never rot. It can last
dinners, unless they happen As I was rolling services include but are not 3000 years. Wow! I told
in your dining room. through the book with limited to helping investors you it wasn’t your average
Nadia is “a gal that my mouse, I stopped at buy and sell middle market cookbook and I hope you
is single and loves to eat,” Lazy Betty from Atlan- companies in various sec- will buy it, try the recipes,
(her words) when I asked ta who offered Grilled tors. She told me she loves and enjoy them knowing
her to describe herself. She Spanish Octopus, Bartlett helping people and this is that your purchase will help
was doing her part to keep Pears, Fermented Black her real passion; I’d add those restaurants that are
her favorite restaurants, Bean Vierge, as their entry. successful publishers to her closed down because of the
ordering take-out, when she Rolling on, my absolute accomplishments. damn virus.
decided she could do more, favorite recipe was on page This labor of love,
much more. Being a type 20, is the entry from Intero entitled United We Cook, You can download the
A personality, she decided Restaurant in Austin, Texas. was conceived, and totally book, in Pdf form, at:
to see what would happen Are you ready? It’s a recipe achieved by Nadia Mashar. for
if she got say, 200 random for Ricotta, being Italian I The whole process was a $28.00.
recipes together in a small was jazzed, but surprised one woman show from